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Charlotte's Web (3)|夏洛的网(3)

At last things calmed down.  Charlotte and Wilbur were alone.
“Charlotte,” said Wilbur after a while, “why are you so quiet?”
“I like to sit still,” she said. “I've always been rather quiet.”
“Yes, but you seem specially so today. Do you feel all right?”
“A little tired, perhaps. But I feel peaceful. Your success in the ring this morning was, to a small degree, my success. Your future is assured. You will live, be secure and safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm you now. ”
A tear came to Wilbur's eye. “Oh, Charlotte,” he said. “To think that when I first met you I thought you were cruel and bloodthirsty!”
When he recovered from his emotion, he spoke again.
“Why did you do all this for me?” he asked. “I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.”
“You have been my friend,” replied Charlotte. “I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle1. Anyone's life can stand a little of that.”
“Well,” said Wilbur. “I'm no good at making speeches. I haven't got your gift for words. But you have saved me, Charlotte, and I would gladly give my life for you—I really would.”
“I'm sure you would.”
“Charlotte,“ said Wilbur. “We're all going home today. The Fair is almost over. Won't it be wonderful to be back home in the barn again? Aren't you anxious to get home?”
For a moment Charlotte said nothing.
“I will not be going back to the barn,” she said lowly.
Wilbur leapt to his feet2. “Not going back?” he cried. “Charlotte, what are you talking about?”
“I'm done for3,” she replied. “In a day or two I'll be dead. I haven't even strength enough to climb down into the crate4. I doubt if I have enough silk in my spinnerets5  to lower me to the ground.”
Hearing this, Wilbur threw himself down in an agony6 of  pain and sorrow. Great sobs racked his body. “Charlotte,” he moaned. “Charlotte! My true friend!”
“Come now, let's not make a scene7,” said the spider. “Be quiet, Wilbur.”
“But I can't stand it,” shouted Wilbur. “I won't leave you here alone to die. If you're going to stay here I shall stay, too.”
“Don't be ridiculous,” said Charlotte. “You can't stay here. Zuckerman and Lurvy and the others will be back any minute now, and they'll shove8 you into that crate and away you'll go. Besides, it wouldn't make any sense for you to stay. There would be no one to feed you.”
Wilbur was in a panic9. He raced round and round the pigpen. Suddenly he had an idea—he thought of the egg sac and those little spiders that would hatch in the spring. If Charlotte herself was unable to go home to the barn, at least he must take her children along...
Finally after so much effort Wilbur persuaded Templeton to climb up and get the egg sac.
Lurvy and Mr. Zucherman came along at that moment. Wilbur carefully took the little bundle in his mouth and held it there on top of his tongue. He couldn't say anything. But as he was being shoved into the crate, he looked up at Charlotte and gave her a wink. She knew he was saying good-bye in the only way he could. And she knew her children were safe.
“Good-bye!” she whispered. Then she summoned all her strength and waved one of her front legs at him.
She never moved again. Next day Charlotte died. The Fair was empty. Nobody, of the hundreds of people that had visited the Fair, knew that a grey spider had played the most important part of all. No one was with her when she died.
And so Wilbur came home. His was a strange homecoming. Around his neck he wore a medal of honor; in his mouth he held a sac of spider's eggs. There is no place like home, Wilbur thought, as he placed Charlotte's unborn children carefully in a safe corner.
In the days that followed, he was very happy. Wilbur often thought of Charlotte. Every day Wilbur would look at the torn, empty web, and a lump would come to his throat. No one had ever had such a friend—so affectionate10, so loyal, and so skillful.
Time passed quickly.  All winter Wilbur watched over Charlotte's egg sac as though he were guarding his own children. Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen. The winter ended at last. The snows melted and ran away.
One fine sunny morning, after breakfast, Wilbur stood watching his precious sac. As he stood there, he noticed something move. He stepped closer and stared. A tiny spider crawled from the sac. It looked just like Charlotte.
Wilbur trembled all over when he saw it. The little spider waved at him. Two more little spiders crawled out. Then eight. Then ten. Charlotte's children were here at last.
Wilbur's heart pounded11. “Hello, there!” he said.
The first spider said hello.
“I am an old friend of your mother's,”said Wilbur. “I'm glad to see you. Are you all right? Is everything all right?”
The little spiders waved their forelegs at him. Wilbur could see by the way they acted that they were glad to see him.
“Is there anything I can get you? Is there anything you need?”...
As time went on, and the months and years came and went, Wilbur was never without friends. Charlotte's children and grandchildren and great grandchildren lived in the doorway. Wilbur never forgot Charlotte. Although he loved her children and grandchildren dearly, none of the new spiders ever quite took her place in his heart. She was in a class by herself. It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both. 
                                                         The end




1. trifle n. 琐事 a trifle=a little
2. leap to one's feet 跳了起来
3. be done for 不中用了
4. crate [kreit] n. 板条箱,柳条箱
5. spinneret  n. 喷丝头
6. in an agony of 处于极端痛苦中
agony  n. 极大的痛苦
7. make a scene 大吵大闹
8. shove v. 推,挤
9. panic  n. 惊慌
10. affectionate  adj. 挚爱的
11. pound [paund] v. 连续敲打