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22 Reasons Girls Rule!|我是女生

  We know better than anyone that girls rock and here's why—plus some fab1 girls who really rule!
1. We  make  brilliant  friends  because we're fun, caring and full of advice.
2. There   are   so    many   fab   clothes  for  us to choose from!
3. Like  magic, we  can  change  our  appearance with a fab makeover2!
4. Girls  are  great  at  shopping. We  can go for hours and never get bored!
5. We can change our hairstyles every day and go as crazy as we like!
6. No  one  comes  up  with  dance  moves  like us girls.
7. We   love our cuddly3 toys and sleep with them no matter how old we are!
8. When  friends  are  upset, we know just how to make them feel better with a hug.
9. Fab  at  footie4, brilliant  at  basketball—we're great at all sports, including the ones meant for girls!
10.Many, Ladies   Night, Five   Colours   in  her Hair —all the coolest songs are about girls!
11. We get girlie giggles that last for ages5!
12. Who's the brightest student at Hogwarts? It's a girl of course!
13. Girls     have     the      best    bedrooms—messy or tidy, they express our personalities and look great!
14. Avril Lavigne's a girl and does anyone rule more than her?!
15. We  have  the  best  best  friends  and  we would do anything for them!
16. We look totally fabulous in pink!
17. We're so creative!
  When Luisa Bundy was just 12 years old, she got some modeling clay for her birthday and started making little figures6 based on her school friends. She gave them to people as presents and soon she was taking orders all week and making them all weekend. She named the dolls little Bundies and even set up her own company! Now, three years later, little Bundies are available7 on sale in toy shops and are set to be a massive craze8.
18. We  can  have  girlie  names  or  cool boys' names like Joey, Jamie or Billie!
19. Jaqueline       Wilson     writes  books about us and they're the best!
20. We   blub9   at    cute10  movies and just don't care who sees!
21. If  we  try  hard  enough, we  can achieve anything. Yay!
22. We're record breakers!
  Henrietta Brockway, 13, is the youngest ever winner of the Dorset Ladies Golf Championship, and the youngest player ever to go on the ladies European Tour. “One day I'm going to be the world's No 1 women's golfer, ” she says. Go, Henrietta, we're cheering11 you on!

1. 有我们做朋友最棒,因为我们有趣,会关心人,满脑子都是点子。
2. 有那么多漂亮的衣服供我们挑选!
3. 我们可以魔术般地改变外貌,全身上下收拾得漂漂亮亮!
4. 女孩是购物高手,一逛就是好几个小时,却从不厌倦!
5. 我们的发型可以一天变个样,随心所欲,要多疯狂有多疯狂!
6. 只有我们女孩在舞步上最有创意。
7. 我们喜欢可以搂抱的玩具,不管长多大都抱着它睡觉!
18.我们可以有女孩的名 字,也可以有很酷的男孩名字,比如乔易、杰米、比利!



1. fab  adj. fabulous 的缩写形式,绝妙的,极好的
2. makeover n. 大翻新,改头换面
3. cuddly  adj. 引人拥抱的;喜欢搂抱的
4. footie  n. football 的缩略式
5. for ages 很长时间
6. figure  n. 塑像;人形
7. available adj. 可以买到的
8. craze [kreiz] n. 风靡一时的事物
9. blub  v. 哭泣
10. cute  adj. 聪明的,逗人爱的
11. cheer v. 为…喝彩