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Wallet Phone Launched|钱包手机闪亮登场

Almost anyone's purse or pocket contains at least a mobile phone and a wallet full of bills, coins, receipts, credit cards, IDs, train or bus passes and any number of membership cards. In Japan, that may soon be a thing of the past as the mobile industry aims to combine the two with a small built-in chip which can also store money and personal information. NTT DoCoMo Inc., Japan's largest mobile operator became the first operator to launch a wallet phone, equipped with Sony Corp.'s FeliCa smart chip, which can be quickly read by passing it over a scanner.

任何人的皮包或口袋至少装有一部手机和一个钱包,里面装满了纸币、硬币、收据、信用卡、身份证、火车或汽车通票,还有许多会员卡。在日本,这一切可能很快就会成为过去,因为日本移动通信产业打算用一块同样能够存储钱币和个人信息的内置小芯片把手机和钱包结合起来。日本最大的移动通信运营商NTT移动通信网公司率先推出了内置索尼FeliCa 智能芯片的“钱包手机”,它在通过扫描器时能够快速读取。