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What Price Happiness?|幸福值几何?

You don't need millions to be happy. At The Happiness Institute in Australia, a couple of hundred dollars may do the trick. Since the institute opened its doors this year, men and women of all ages have been paying A$200 an hour (US$140) for lessons in how to feel great.  “We take people from zero and try to put a positive in their happiness bank account. You don't have to settle just for OKness. It's no more OK than having a zero bank balance. You can have a lot more,” says Sharp, the founder of the institute.  Experts say only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income, assets and other financial factors. As much as 90 percent comes from elements such as attitude, life control and relationships.

要想感到幸福快乐,你并不需要成为百万富翁。在澳大利亚的 “幸福学院”,花上几百美元就有可能让你找到幸福感。该学院自从今年开业以来,男女老少纷纷前往,每小时花200澳元(140美元)学习如何找到幸福的感觉。该学院的创始人夏普说:“我们把学员的‘幸福账户’设为零,并努力使它增加为正数。你不必仅仅满足于‘还不错’,银行余额为零只能算过得去而已,你可以拥有更多。”专家们认为,大约只有15%的幸福感来自于收入、财产和其他的经济因素,而90%则来自于态度、支配生活的能力和人际关系等。