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Paying to Nap |花钱买小憩

New York is called the city that never sleeps, but one small company wants to change that. On the 24th floor of the landmark Empire State Building, is MetroNaps, a month-old company offering New York's version of the Spanish siesta: a 20-minute nap, which cost $14. In a quiet, darkened room, stressed-out customers stretch out in the leaning seats, with blankets covering their legs and music piped into headphones. After 20 minutes, the sleeping pad wakes up the customer with a combination of vibrations and light.

纽约被称为“不眠城”,一个小公司却想要改变这一切。 在纽约标志性建筑帝国大厦的第二十四层坐落有一家开张一个月的“都市小睡”公司,该公司提供纽约版的西班牙式午睡服务——花费14美元享受20分钟的小憩。在一间安静昏暗的房间里,饱受工作压力的顾客们躺在睡椅上舒展四肢,腿上盖好毛毯,带着耳机听着音乐,舒舒服服地打个盹。20分钟后,睡椅会通过震动和光线来唤醒顾客。