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Skirts Not Permitted|裙装不得进校

A mixed state secondary school has banned skirts because its girls have been wearing them too short. The new uniform regulations at Keswick High School, near Ipswich, England require girls to wear trousers to school to stop them turning up for lessons in miniskirts. The decision was made after several discussions with parents, pupils and teachers. The new rules will come into effect in September.

英国一所男女同校的国立中学禁止女生穿裙子上学,原因是女生穿的裙子太短。 位于英国易普威治古城附近的凯塞克中学最新出台的学生制服条例规定:女生上课必须穿裤子而不能穿超短裙。该决定是在和学生家长、学生本人及该校教师几次协商后做出的。新规定将于今年9月开始执行。