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Tatanic mess|泰坦尼克的困境:沉都沉了还不放过

How can you ruin1 something that is already a wreck2? Well, that seems to be happening to the Titanic, the world's most famous shipwreck.
  Some historians are worried because the luxury liner, which struck an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on its first voyage3 92 years ago, is falling apart4 quicker than scientists had estimated5.
  Only a few years ago, the Titanic was in reasonably good shape and was expected to last a long time. But that's not the case any longer. Titanic historians blame filmmakers, salvage6 divers, and even undersea tourists for helping turn the sunken ship into a rusted-out shell.
  In addition, scientists say that salt water, underwater currents, and tiny organisms7 known as microbes8 are destroying what is left of the wreck. Researchers say it will take about 30 or so years before rust eats through the Titanic and causes its hullcaptain's cabin and poop deck have collapsed. Gaping20 holes have opened up on other decks. Icicles21 of rust, now cover the hull.
  French mini-submarine22 pilot23 Paul H. Nargeolet has explored the Titanic wreck more than 30 times. He said each dive reveals new damage24. “Things are going quicker and quicker,” Nargeolet told The New York Times.
  A biologist said that microbes are devouring25 600 pounds of iron from the wreck each day.


Undersea Tourist
  Divers and tourists began taking a toll26 on the Titanic from the moment Robert Ballard and his research team found the ship 19 years ago. Every time a minisub visits the wreck, propellers27 kick up sediment28 and alter the environment around the site.
  Since 1987, licensed salvage divers have made hundreds of trips to the wreck, recovering more than 6,000 artifacts29 from the Titanic. The items include everything form silverware and fine china to shoes and spittoons30.
  Recently, pirates31 reportedly lowered a robot to the site and caused damage when they tried to dislodge32 the pedestal33 of the ship's steering34 wheel.
  Tourists can pay up to $36,000 to ride a submersible35, or small deep-sea submarine, to the Titanic wreck. In 2001, a New York couple was married in a submersible resting on the ship's bow.
  “Visitors do more damage than anybody else,” said Edward Kamuda, president of the Titanic Historical Society. “The thing is going to deteriorate36 anyway, but it doesn't help when you have all these subs going by.”


Rest in Peace?
  Historians insist that it is time for people to leave the shipwreck alone. They are tired of visitors littering37 the area around the wreck with pieces of line, artificial flowers, weights, and cargo nets.
  Preservationists38 and other people want scientists, divers, and tourists to respect the Titanic wreck as a gravesite39.
  In addition to those who died when the ship sank, some of the ship's 705 survivors asked that their ashes be scattered over the site when they die. Walter Porter, the great-grandson of a Titanic victim, wants officials to protect the wreck. “I don't object to40 people going down to look at it,” he said. “But if it's going to destroy what's there, I'm not pleased with that.”






1. ruin   v. 毁灭
2. wreck n. 残骸
3. voyage   n. 航程
4. falling apart  解体
5. estimate  v. 估计
6. salvage ]  n. 打捞
7. organism   n. 生物体
8. microbe  n. 微生物
9. collapse   v. 崩溃
10. ravage   n. 破坏
11. supposedly   adv. 据称
12. Southampton   n. 南安普敦(英国南部港口城市)
13. crow's-nest   瞭望台
14. fateful  adj. 灾难性的
15. intact  adj. 完整无损的
16. poop deck  船尾楼甲板
17. huddle  v. 拥挤
18. many years to come   未来许多年
19. crumple   v. 破碎

20. gaping  adj. 多洞穴的
21. icicle  n. 垂冰
22. mini-submarine  n. 微型潜艇
23. pilot   n. 领航员
24. damage   n. 损害,伤害
25. devour  v. (尤指动物)吞吃
26. take a toll   造成毁坏,损失
27. propeller  n. 推进器,螺旋桨
28. sediment   n. 沉淀物,沉积物
29. artifact   n. 人造物品
30. spittoon   n. 痰盂
31. pirate   n. 海盗
32. dislodge   v. 驱逐
33. pedestal   n. 基架
34. steering wheel   方向盘
35. submersible  adj. 能潜水的
36. deteriorate   v. 恶化
37. litter   v. 乱丢垃圾
38. Preservationist   n. (对野生动物、自然区、古迹和传统事物等的)保护主义者
39. gravesite   n. 墓地
40. object to   反对