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Great Barrier Reef Faces Destruction 大堡礁珊瑚面临灭顶之灾

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest living reef formation stretching 2,000 km from north to south along Australia's northeast coast. A report released by Queensland University's Center for Marine Studies said Great Barrier Reef will lose most of its coral cover by 2050 and, at worst, the world's largest coral system could collapse by 2100 because of global warming.

Search for a Thinking Computer

A Northern Ireland team is leading the search for a thinking computer which can sense a user's mood.
Researchers at Queen's University in Belfast hope to complete the 10m Euro project—an emotion-sensitive computer within four years. The aim is to enable computers to think and behave like humans. “At the moment, our use of computers is limited by the fact that we need a keyboard and a screen to access them, ”a program coordinator said.

The Future of English Language

English is fast becoming the language of science around the world, but what is its future among everyday speakers? One expert points out that the percentage of native English speakers is declining globally while the languages of other rapidly growing regions are being spoken by increasing numbers of people. But English will continue to remain widespread and important.

Britney to China?

It is reported that American pop star Britney Spears has agreed to perform five shows on the Chinese mainland this autumn. The 22-year-old will make her first mainland appearance in Guangzhou on Sept 24. She will also perform in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang and Changsha. With more than 54 million records sold worldwide, Spears would be one of the top performers ever to appear in China. Chinese promoters are talking with Britney's manager about her China tour later this year.

Lord of the Games

Peter Jackson, director of The Lord of the Rings, is expected to earn much more money from helping create video games than making movies. The computer game based on his movie The Return of the King, was among best-seller list. John Woo, the director of Mission Impossible 2 and Face Off, is also developing for Sega a video game.

Backham as a Gladiator

English soccer superstar David Beckham is appearing on TV screens as a gladiator around the world in the latest celebrity-packed Pepsi commercial. Real Madrid star Beckham, 28, dresses from head to toe in armour in the drinks promo, which also stars fellow soccer hunks Raul,Ronaldinho,Torres and Totti. The British star—who previously appeared alongside his former Manchester United teammates wearing cowboy clothes  in  Pepsi  adverts  in 2002—agreed to a new $17 million deal with the soft drink giants.

Top Film Characters 

Mafia boss Vito Corleone, as played by Marlon Brando in The Godfather, has been named the greatest movie character of all time by US film critics. Sixteen film experts voted for the most memorable characters in cinema for US magazine Premiere. Fred C Dobbs from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre came second with Gone With the Wind's Scarlett O'Hara third.  
马龙·白兰度在影片《教父》中饰演的黑手党首领维多·柯里昂被美国影评人士评为史上最伟大的电影人物形象。 16位电影专家为美国电影杂志《首映》评选出了最值得纪念的电影人物形象。电影《碧血金沙》中的人物佛瑞德·多布斯名列第二,《飘》中的郝思嘉名列第三。

Nicole Kidman Tops Australia Rich List

Actress Nicole Kidman more than doubled her annual income last year to become Australia's richest entertainer, a Business Review Weekly survey said. She earned an estimated A$25m (£10.3m) in 2003—the year in which she won the best actress Oscar for The Hours.

he Dumbest Criminals of the Year

Two thieves in a Russian town demonstrated the most ridiculous way of committing crime. They put on masks, broke in an office, bound the watchmen and started to pack computers and faxes. For one of the thieves it was too dark, and he tried to switch on the light. By mistake, the man pressed the alarm button instead of the switch, three minutes later the police arrived and arrested the thieves.

College Student Charged with False Alarm 

A U.S. college student, Audrey Seiler, 20-year-old sophomore at the University of Wisconsin, was charged with lying to police and disturbing officers because she made up her own kidnapping. The girl's desperate attempt was to get her boyfriend's attention.  Each charge carries up to nine months in jail and a    $10,000 fine.