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E-mail Tries Out A Sense of Smell |电邮生“香”

You could soon be able to add your favorite perfume to your e-mails. UK net provider Telewest Broadband is testing a system to let people send e-mails over the Internet with sweet smell.  It has developed a kind of hi-tech air freshener that plugs into a PC and sprays a smell linked to the message. Telewest says it could be used by supermarkets to attract people with the smell of fresh bread or by holiday companies seeking to stir up images of sun-kissed beaches. 

很快你就可以把电子邮件加上你喜欢的香味了。英国网络供应商Telewest Broadband正在试验一种能让人们在网上发送带有香味的电子邮件系统。该公司开发出一种高科技空气清新剂,此清新剂联入一台个人电脑,可以散发出相关信息的香味。Telewest公司说超市可用它散发新鲜面包的香味来吸引顾客,旅游公司可用它营造阳光轻抚海滩的感觉。