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慰问信:对朋友未考取大学表示慰问-Consolation at a Friend.

2014-5-9 16:20:51
①distinguish [dis'tiRgwiM] oneself 使杰出
②take something to heart 介意;对某事耿耿于怀
慰问信(letters of consolation)是向失败者、不幸者、愁苦者、生病者或遇到天灾人祸的人表示安慰或同情的信件。这类信要写得及时、简短扼要,感情要真诚,措辞要贴切;尽量以乐观的口吻减轻亲友的烦恼和痛苦,并鼓励对方对日后的生活、学习、工作充满信心。
①I was shocked to learn of the news that….
②I am deeply grieved to hear that….
③Please accept my deepest sympathy(同情).
④ I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health.
⑤I could not believe that….
⑥I shall be very much delighted if I can be of any service to you. 
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