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简  介
AMG Rating  ★★★★★ (High standard)
Director  Michael Curtiz
Starring  Humphrey Bogart—Richard “Rick” Blaine
                Ingrid Bergman— Ilsa Lund Laszlo
Genre/Type  War Romance, Drama, Melodrama
Key words  betrayal, espionage, freedom-fighter, love, rescue, romance, war, tragic-love
美国电影学院评级  5星 (最高级)
导演  麦克尔·柯蒂斯
主演  汉弗赖·鲍嘉 ——理查德(里克)·布莱恩
电影类型  战争罗曼史、正剧、情节剧
关键词  背叛、间谍、自由战士、爱情、解救、罗曼史、战争、爱情悲剧
剧  情


ILSA: (will be shortened as “LSA”) Richard, I had to see you.
RICK: (will be shortened as “RIC”) So, I'm Richard again! We're back in Paris.
LSA: Please.
RIC: Your unexpected visit isn't connected by any chance with the Letters of Transit? It seems as long as I have those letters, I'll never be lonely.
LSA: Richard, you can ask any price you choose. But you must give me those Letters.
RIC: I went all through that with your husband. It's no deal.
LSA: I know how you feel about me. And I don't blame you. But I'm asking you to put your feelings aside for something more important.
RIC: Do I have to hear again what a great man your husband is and what an important cause he is fighting for?
LSA: It was your cause, too. In your own way, you were fighting for the same thing.
RIC: Well, I'm not fighting for anything any more, except myself. I'm the only Cause I'm interested in now.
LSA: Richard, we loved each other once, if those days meant anything at all to you...
RIC: (harshly) I wouldn't bring up Paris if I were you. It's poor salesmanship.
LSA: Please listen to me. If you knew what really happened. If you knew the truth. RIC: (cuts in) I  wouldn't believe you no matter what you told me. You'll say anything now to get what you want.
LSA: You  want  to  feel sorry for yourself, don't you? With so much at stake, all you can think of is your own feeling. One woman has hurt you, and you take your revenge on the rest of the world. You are a coward and weakling. … Oh Richard, I'm sorry. But you're our last hope. If don't help us, Victor Laszlo will die in Casablanca.
RIC: What of it? I'm going to die in Casablanca. It's a good spot for it. Now if you…





LSA: All right, I tried to reason with you. I tried everything. Now I want those Letters. Get them for me.
RIC: I don't have to. I got them right here.
LSA: Put them on the table.
RIC: No.
LSA: For the last time, put them on the table.
RIC: If Laszlo and the Cause mean so much, you won't stop at anything. All right, I'll make easier for you. Go ahead and shoot. You'll be doing me a favor.
LSA: (almost hysterical) Richard, I tried to stay away. I thought I would never see you again ... that you were out of my life, the day you left Paris. If you knew what I went through, if you knew how much I loved you...how much I still love you...

2  在两个男人之间

LSA: It wasn't long after we were married that Victor went back to Czeckoslovakia. They needed him in Prague. But then the Gestapo were waiting for him. Just a two-line item in the paper: “Victor Laszlo apprehended, sent to concentration camp.” I was frantic. For months I tried to get word. Then it came, he was dead, shot trying to escape. I was lonely. I had nothing, not even hope. Then I met you.
RIC: Well, why weren't you honest with me? Why did you keep your marriage a secret?
LSA: It wasn't my secret, Richard. Victor wanted it that way. Nor even our closest friends knew about our marriage. That was his way of protecting me. I knew so much about his work, and if the Gestapo find out I was his wife, it would be dangerous for me and for those working with us.
RIC: And when did you first find out he was alive?
LSA: Just when you and I were to leave Paris together, a friend came and told me that Victor was alive hiding in a freight car in the outskirts of Paris. He was sick and he needed me. I wanted to tell you but I didn't dare. I knew, I knew you wouldn't have left Paris and the Gestapo would have caught you. Well, and you know the rest.
RIC: It's still a story without an ending. What about now?
LSA: Now? I don't know. I know that I'll never have the strength to leave you again.
RIC: And Laszlo?
LSA: You'll help him now, Richard, won't you? You'll see that he gets out? And then he'll have his work—all the things he's been living for.
RIC: All except one. He won't have you.
LSA: I can't fight it any more. I ran away from you once. I can't do it again. I don't know what's right any longer. You'll have to think for both of us, for all of us.
RIC: All right, I will.
LSA: (in whisper) I wish I didn't love you so much.






3   将计就计

 RIC: But you haven't any actual proof, and you know it. This isn't Germany or occupied France. All you can do is fire him a few thousand francs and give him thirty days. You might as well let him go now.
RENAULT: (will be shortened as “REN”) Ricky, I'd advise you not to be too interested in what happens to Laszlo. If by any chance you were to help him escape—
RIC: What  makes  you   think  I'd  stick   my neck out for Laszlo?
REN: Because one, you've bet ten thousand francs he'd escape. Two, you have the Letters of Transit, now don't bother to deny it. And, well, you might do it simply because you don't like Strasser's looks. As a matter of fact, I don't like him either.
RIC: Well, they're all excellent reasons.
REN: Don't you count too much on my friendship, Ricky. In this matter I'm powerless.  Besides, I might lose ten thousand francs.
RIC: You're not very subtle, but you are effective. I, I get the point. Yes, I have the letters, but I intend using them myself. I'm leaving Casablanca on tonight's plane, the last plane.
REN: Huh?
RIC: And I'm taking a friend with me. One you'll appreciate.
REN: What friend?
RIC: Ilsa Lund. That ought to put your mind at rest about my helping Laszlo escape, the last man I want to see in America.
REN: You didn't come here to tell me this. You have the Letters of Transit. You can fill in your name and hers and leave any time you please. Why are you interested in what happens to Laszlo?
RIC: I'm not. But I am interested in what happens to Ilsa and me. We have a legal right to go, that's true. But people have been held in Casablanca in spite of their legal rights.
REN: What makes you think we want to hold you?
RIC: Ilsa is Laszlo's wife. She probably knows things that Strasser would like to know. Louis, I'll make a deal with you. Instead of this petty charge you have against him, you can get something really big, something that would chuck him in a concentration camp for years. That would be quite a feather in your cap, wouldn't it?
REN: It certainly would. Germany ...Vichy would be very grateful.
RIC: Then release him. You be at my place a half hour before the plane leaves. I'll arrange to have Laszlo come there to pick up the letters of transit, and that'll give you the criminal grounds on which to make the arrest. You get him, and we get away. To the Germans that last will be just a minor annoyance.
REN: (puzzled) There's still something about this business I don't quite understand. Miss Lund, she's very beautiful, yes, but you were never interested in any woman.
RIC: Well, she isn't just any woman.
REN: I see. How do I know you'll keep your end of the bargain?
RIC: I'll make the arrangements right now with Laszlo in the visitor's pen.
REN: Ricky, I'm going to miss you.  Apparently you're the only one in Casablanca who has even less scruples than I.
RIC: And by the way, call off your watchdogs when you let him go. I don't want them around this afternoon. I'm taking no chances, Louis, not even with you.




4  别这么快下结论

REN: Victor Laszlo! Victor Laszlo, you are under arrest... on a charge of accessory to the murder of the couriers from whom these letters were stolen.
REN: Oh, you are surprised about my friend Ricky? …The explanation is quite simple. Love, it seems, has triumphed over virtue. Thank—
RIC: —Not so fast, Louis. Nobody's going to be arrested. Not for a while yet.
REN: Have you taken leave of your senses?
RIC: I have. Sit down over there.
REN: Put that gun down.
RIC: Louis, I wouldn't like to shoot you, but I will, if you take one more step.
REN: Under the circumstances, I will sit down.
RIC: (sharply) Keep your hands on the table.
REN: I suppose you know what you're doing, but I wonder if you realize what this means?
RIC: I do. We've got plenty of time to discuss that later.
REN: Call off your watch-dogs, you said.
RIC: Just the same, you call the airport and let me hear you tell them. And remember, this gun's pointed right at your heart .
REN: That is my least vulnerable spot.  (into phone) Hello, is this the airport? This is captain Renault speaking. There'll be two Letters of Transit for the Lisbon plane. There's to be no trouble about them. Good.

5   我真搞不明白

RIC: Louis, have your man go with Mr. Laszlo and take care of his luggage.
REN: Certainly Rick anything you say. Find Mr. Laszlo's luggage and put it it on the plane.
Orderly: Yes, sir. This way please.

RIC: If you don't mind, you fill in the names. That will make it even more official.
REN: You think of everything, don't you?
RIC: (quietly) And the names are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Laszlo.
LSA: But why my name, Richard?
RIC: Because you're getting on that plane.
LSA: I don't understand. What about you?
RIC: I'm staying here with him 'til the plane gets safely away.

LSA: No, Richard, no. What has happened to you? Last night we said—
RIC: Last night we said a great many things. You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then and it all adds up to one thing. You're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
LSA: But Richard, no, I, I—
RIC: You've got to listen to me. Do you have any idea what you'd have to look forward to if you stayed here?  Nine chances out of ten we'd both wind up in a concentration camp. Isn't that true, Louis?
REN: I'm afraid Major Strasser would insist.
LSA: You're saying this only to make me go.
RIC: I'm saying it because it's true. Inside of us we both know you belong with Victor. You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life.
LSA: But what about us?
RIC: We'll always have Paris. We did't have, we'd lost it, until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night.
LSA: And I said I would never leave you.
RIC: And you never will. But I've got a job to do, too. Where I'm going you can't follow. What I've got to do you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that.

6  放下电话!

Strasser: (will be shortened as “STR”) What is the meaning of that phone call?
REN: Victor Laszlo is on that plane.
STR: Why do you stand here? Why don't you stop him?
REN: Ask Monsieur Rick.
RIC: Get away from that phone.
STR:  I would advise you not to interfere.
RIC: I was willing to shoot Captain Renault, and I'm willing to shoot you.
STR: Hello?
RIC: Put that phone down!
STR: Get me the Radio Tower!
RIC: Put it down!


伊尔莎:(以下简称“伊尔”)  理查,我非找你不可!
里克:我终于又成 “理查” 了!我们又在巴黎了!





















