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当翻译的一天 A Day as an Interpreter

2014-5-9 17:02:08
tes later that she caught the girl in a corner shop and prevented her from paying 200 Yuan for a simple false silver necklace.
"Even hanging about is no easy job," signed Ann to me. It is true, but even the most unpleasant experience can teach us how to do better the next time, can't it?

简 评
文章篇幅不长,却将一天的历程讲得生动,清楚,使人如临其境。这主要得益于作者善于把握重点及对动词短语运用较为恰当。如午饭一节描写小翻译手忙脚乱的形象极为生动,令人忍俊不禁。 而如“saunter around”,“randomly picked one out”,"packed with”,“balance the supplyand demand”等表达都相当简洁传神。从全文来看,作者文笔流畅自然,语句富有节奏,尤其是“full of stumbles and troubles”,“helter—skelter”等词汇有几分押韵,使文章读来朗朗上口。

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