
My Favourite Season

南油小学4年级 刘洋

  And I usually go for a swim in the swimming pool. Many people swim there.
  My favourite season is summer.  
  In summer, the weather is hot. I often eat some ice-creams. I like eating ice-creams. I always drink a lot of water. I like eating water melons. That’s cool. And I usually go for a swim in the swimming pool. Many people swim there.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
  I like summer. There’s a lot of fun.

位置:发表区   年级:小学4 关键字,四季
来源: 字数:243 投稿日期:2008-3-30 11:53:00 点击:
  王嘉庆 点评
推荐3星:[王嘉庆]2008-3-30 11:58:44
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