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新概念英语第一册 『31-40』

[[路易·乔治·亚历山大、何其莘 2011-8-9 13:21:36

Lesson 93 Our new neighbour



pilot n. 飞行员

return v. 返回

New York n. 纽约

Tokyo n. 东京

Madrid n. 马德里

fly (flew, flown) v. 飞行



Athens n. 雅典 [5AWinz]

Berlin n. 柏林 [bE:5lin]

Bombay n. 孟买 [bCm5bei]

Geneva n. 日内瓦 [dVi5ni:vE]

Moscow n. 莫斯科 [5mCskEu]

Rome n. 罗马 [rEum]

Seoul n. 汉城 [sEul]

Stockholm n. 斯德哥尔摩 [5stCkhEum]

Sydney n. 悉尼 [5sidni]




return ticket 往返车票

return to

return from

I will return to Beijing next week.

They have already returned to Shanghai.

My mother returned to Beijing last week.

My father will return from Hongkong next week.

Nigel has already returned from Bombay.

He returned from Bombay last week.


next-door neighbour 隔壁邻居

the Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军


What is Nigel's job?

How old is Nigel?

Has he ever been to a lot of places in the world?

What about his wife?

Does his wife travel a lot?

What does she usually do?

Where is Nigel now?

When will he return to London?

When will he go to New York?

Where is Madrid?

When did Nigel go to Spain?

How did he go there?

Where will he go next week?

What about next month?

How will he go there?

What about the month after next?



Nigel is our new next-door neighbour.

He's a pilot.

He was in the R.A.F.

He will fly to New York next month.

The month after next he'll fly to Tokyo.

At the moment, he's in Madrid.

He flew to Spain a week ago.

He'll return to London the week after next.

He's only forty-one years old, and he was already been to nearly every country in the world.

Nigel is a very lucky man.

But his wife isn't very lucky.

She usually stays at home.


He have already flown to Spain.

We have already been to nearly every city in China.

My father has already been to nearly every town in China.


Lesson 94 When did you/will you go to …?


Written exercises 书面练习A page 192


last week, last month, last year

this week, this month, this year

next week, next month, next year

the week after next, the month after next, the year after next


1 He will go to New York next week.

2 She will go to Sidney next month.

3 I will go to Paris the year after next.

4 We will go to Stockholm next year.

5 They will go to Geneva the week after next.


Written exercises 书面练习B page 192

1 No, she won't return to Geneva next year. She'll return to Bombay.

2 No, I won't fly to London tomorrow. I'll fly to Geneva.

3 No, we won't go to Madrid next year. We'll go to London.

4 No, he won't arrive from Moscow next month. He'll arrive from Madrid.

5 No, they won't stay in New York next month. They'll stay in Moscow.


补充材料 page 26

shall, will, shan't, won't

I shall go to Paris tomorrow morning.

He will fly to Rome in two days' time.

Will you visit the palace the day after tomorrow?

No, I shan't visit it. I shall visit a museum.

had better/ 'd better

I had better finish my homework first.

You'd better zip your mouth.


1 has bought, bought, will arrive, have

2 will, arrive (in five hours 五个小时后)

3 have, been

4 will, arrive

5 stays

6 go, don't want

7 is flying

8 have

9 Has, moved

10 will have/had


1 afraid, sure

2 like

3 in

4 lazy, lazily

5 for

6 had a

7 on

8 been

9 on

10 at




Lesson 95 Tickets, please



return n. 往返

train n. 火车

platform n. 站台

plenty n. 大量

bar n. 酒吧

station n. 车站,火车站

porter n. 收票员

catch(caught, caught) v. 赶上

miss v. 错过


return to

return from

return tickets

the way to King Street

return tickets to London


I'm still single.

Small profits and quick return. 薄利多销。

I want two return tickets to London.

next train

The next train will leave at eight o'clock.

When will the next train leave?

platform 2

leave from

The next train will leave from platform 2.


train [为了某种特定的技能进行培训、集中训练]

exercise [对已经获得的技能进行练习]

drill 操练 [反复操练以获得某种技能]

practice [在基础上进一步熟练]

training center 培训中心

Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

practise v.

I want to practise my oral English.


plenty of [只能用于肯定句]

enough [疑问句]

many [否定句中,修饰可数名词]

much [否定句中,修饰不可数名词]

I have plenty of friends.

I have plenty of time.

We have plenty of time.

have got

We have got plenty of time.

There is a bar next door to the station. Let's go and have a drink.

It's only three minutes to eight.

The next train will leave at a quarter past eight.

We have got plenty of time.

There is a bar next door to the station.

Let's go and have a drink.

You had better go home now.

We had better go back.



police station 警察局

fire station 消防队

filling station 加油站

gas station

power station 电站

TV station 电视台

broadcasting station 广播电台

VOA 美国之音

Voice of America

BBC 英国广播电台

British Broadcasting Corporation


I didn't catch you. [我没听见、没听清。]

catch up with sb. 赶上某人

My English is not as good as yours, but I am trying to study hard to catch up with you.

I want to catch the train.

I want to catch the 8:19.

You have just missed the train.


Who wants to go to London?

When will the next train leave?

How many tickets do they want to buy? Return tickets or single tickets?

Where will the next train leave from?

Which platform will the next train leave?

Where is the platform 2?

What time is it now?

What will George and Ken do?

What do they want to do?

Is there a bar?

Where is the bar?

When will they come back?

What happened?


When is the next train?


George and Ken want to go to London.

They want to buy two return tickets to London.

The next train will leave at 8:19.

The next train will leave from platform 2.

The Platform Two is over the bridge.

It's only three minutes to eight.

They have got plenty of time.

There is a bar next door to the station.

They want to have a drink there.

They think it's only a quarter past eight.

But the clock in the station is ten minutes slow.

The next train is in 5 hours' time.



Two return tickets to London, please.

What time will the next train leave?

At nineteen minutes past eight.

Which platform? Platform Two. Over the bridge.

What time will the next train leave? At eight nineteen.

We've got plenty of time.

It's only three minutes to eight. Let's go and have a drink.

There's a bar next door to the station.

We had better go back to the station now, Ken.

Tickets, please.

We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.

You've just miss it! What!

It's only eight fifteen.

I'm sorry, sir.

That clock's ten minutes slow.

When's the next train?

In five hours' time!


Let's go and have a drink. -> Let’s go to have a drink.

ten minutes slow 慢十分钟 –> ten minutes quick 快十分钟




Lesson 96 What's the exact time?


Written exercises 书面练习 A page 196

1 I had better stay here.

2 We had better wait for him.

3 You had better call a doctor.

4 They had better go home.

5 She had better hurry.

6 You had better be careful.


Written exercises 书面练习 B page 196

a minute ago, two minutes ago

an hour ago, two hours ago

a day ago, two days ago

a year ago, two years ago

in five minutes, in a minute's time

in an hour's time, in two hours' time

in a day's time, in two days' time

in a week's time, in two weeks' time

in a month's time, in two months' time

in a year's time, in two years' time


1 I'll go to Sydney in a month's time.

2 The next train will leave for Geneva in an hour's time.

3 I'll fly to Beijing in two days' time.

4 We will go to London in an hour's time.




Lesson 97 A small blue case



leave (left, left) v. 遗留

describe v. 描述

zip n. 拉链

label  n. 标签

handle n. 提手,把手

address n. 地址

pence n. penny 的复数形式

belong v. 属于


belong to




I. 语音强化训练(pronunciation)

I have read the book.

Let's have a good chat.

keep on/ stand up/ take off/ above all

look at it/ after all/ here and there/ more or less

Where is it?


II. 经典口语习语、词组、谚语(phrases/idioms/proverbs)

shake in one's shoes 吓得发抖

birthday suit 生日礼服;一丝不挂

lady-killer (超级)帅哥

wall flower (舞会上)被冷落的女子

bet one's bottom dollar(that/on) 孤注一掷;对……有绝对把握

in the pink 健康

Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。

Every bean has its black. 人无完人。

In the dictionary of youth there is no such words as failure. 初生牛犊不怕虎。


in one's:在某人的……

in one's birthday suit:一丝不挂




II. Fill in the blanks:

1 What do you want, beef or lamb? Lamb, please.

2 Whose coat is this? It's Jim's.

3 When/What time does she have lunch? Twelve o'clock.

4 Who can help Kate? I can.

5 What colour do you like best?

6 What nationality are they?


I Fill the blanks with suitable words:

1 Do you clean your bedroom by yourself? Yes, I do. But now I am not cleaning.

2 She often swims in the river. Look, she is swimming there.

3 Is he watching TV? No, he isn't. But he watches TV every day.

4 Does Li Lei do his homework every night? Of course. What about you?

5 Can you read this book for me? Yes, I can. Let's.

6 In the morning, Mr.Jones goes to work at seven o'clock. At noon, he has his lunch in the dining hall. In the afternoon, he types some files for the boss. At about five o'clock in the afternoon, he can leave his office. Mr.Jones and his wife have supper together every night.

7 It's time to go to school. Some of them go there on foot, some of them by bus, and the others go by bike.

8 In the evening, my mother usually writes her research paper. But tonight she is not writing her paper.



si(t) down/ nex(t) door/ a ba(d) cold/ ta(k)e to

ba(d) boy/ han(d) bag/ sui(t)case/ blac(k)board

a goo(d) deal/ wi(th) this/ so(m)e more/ Ye(s), sir.

street/ scar/ spend/ school/ stay/ spare/ skate





sit pretty 处于有利的地位

best man 伴郎

cry baby 爱报怨的人

double Dutch 比较难解的问题(go Dutch:AA制)

show one's true color 露出某人的真面目

Take home in doggy bags. 打包回家 (lucky dog:幸运儿)

There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪

Better late than never. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。

Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败



leave/left/left 知道落在什么地方了

lose/lost/lost 不明确丢的地点

the train to London

the other day (一般过去时)

I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.

Mrs.Mills left her handbag on the train to Moscow yesterday.

I have lost my suitcase.

He lost his pen last week.


Can you describe it?


have/have got

It has got a zip.

It's a small blue case.

There's a label on the handle.

a girl with long hair

a boy with blue eyes

a label with my name and address

There's a label on the handle with my name and address on it.


I went to London last week.

I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.

Can you describe it?

It's a small blue case.

It's got a zip.

There's a label on the handle with my name and address on it.


address n. 地址;演讲(精心准备过的,正式的)




belong to (不能用于进行时态)

This book belongs to me. = This book is mine.

This book doesn't belong to me.

These books belong to me.

These books don't belong to me.

Is this book yours?


A Complete these sentences.(P200)


This dress belongs to my sister. It is hers.

1 These things belong to my husband. They are his.

2 This coat belongs to me. It is mine.

3 These books belong to my wife. They are hers.

4 These books belong to my brother and me. They are ours.

5 These pens belong to Tom and Jill. They are theirs.

6 This suitcase belongs to you. It is yours.


B Answer these questions.


Are these your keys?

Yes, they're mine. They belong to me.

Is this John's letter?

Yes, it's his. It belongs to him.

Are these my clothes?

Yes, they're yours. They belong to you.

1 Is this Jane's passport?

Yes, it's hers. It belongs to her.

2 Are these their tickets?

Yes, they're theirs. They belong to them.

3 Is this your watch?

Yes, it's mine. It belong to me.

4 Are these her flowers?

Yes, they're hers. They belong to her.

5 Is this my boat?

Yes, it's yours. It belongs to you.

6 Is this Jim's phrasebook?<, /P>

Yes, it's his. It belongs to him.

7 Are these hammers Frank's and Gary's?

Yes, they are theirs. They belong to them.

8 Is this our car?

Yes, it's ours. It belongs to us.

9 Are these the children's pens?

Yes, they're theirs. They belong to them.


Does this belong to me?/ Is this mine?

Does this belong to you?/ Is this yours?

Does this belong to him?/ Is this his?

Does this belong to her?/ Is this hers?

Do these belong to us?/ Are these ours?

Do these belong to you?/ Are these yours?

Do these belong to them?/ Are these theirs?




Who is talking to the attendant?

Who left his suitcase on the train to London?

Can you describe Mr. X's suitcase?

It's a small blue case and it's got a zip.

There's a label on the handle with his name and address on it.

What is his address?

83, Bridge Street.

How much does Mr. X pay?

Three pounds fifty pence, please.

Does this suitcase belong to Mr. X?


What happened?

The attendant has given Mr. X the wrong case.

Who left the suitcase?

Mr. Hall.

What is Mr. Hall's full name?

David Hall.

What is his address.

83, Bridge Street.

Where did Mr.Hall go the other day?


How did he go there?

By train.

Where is he now?

At the train station.

What is he doing?

He is talking to the attendant.

The attendant gave him a suitcase.

But this suitcase doesn't belong to him.

The attendant has already given him the wrong case.



I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.

Can you describe it, sir?

It's a small blue case and it's got a zip.

There's a label on the handle with my name and address on it.

Is this case yours?

No, that's not mine.

What about this one?

This one's got a label.

Let me see it.

What's your name and address?

David Hall, 83, Bridge Street.

That's right.

D.N.Hall, 83, Bridge Street.

Three pounds fifty pence, please.

Here you are.

Thank you.


What's the matter?

This case doesn't belong to me!

You've given me the wrong case!




Lesson 99 Ow!



ow int. 哎呦

slip(slipped, slipped) v. 滑到,滑了一脚

fall(fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒; n. 秋天

downstairs adv. 下楼 (upstairs 上楼)

hurt(hurt, hurt) v. 伤, 伤害, 疼痛

back n. 背

stand up 起立,站起来

help v. 帮助

at once 立即

sure adj. 一定的,确信的

X-ray n. X光透视


I slipped yesterday.

I fell downstairs yesterday.

Andy slipped and fell downstairs this morning.




表示人的情感、心情:afraid, sure, sorry, glad

普通的动词:think, believe, hope, say


I am sure that I have hurt my back.

Andy is sure that he has hurt his back.

I'm afraid that you must see a doctor.

I'm sorry that you slipped yesterday.

I think you had better call a doctor.

I believe that you have hurt your back.

I hope that you can come tomorrow.

Andy says that he has hurt his back.





ask for help:求救

call for help:求救

seek help:求救

I seek you. 我在寻找你。

mutual help:互相帮助

offer help to sb. 给某人提供帮助

provide help to sb. 给某人提供(免费的)帮助

help sb. (to) do sth. 帮某人做某事




表示人的情感、心情:afraid, sorry, sure, glad

普通的动词:know, understand, think, believe, hope, say


I have just arrived in Beijing.

He says he has just arrived in Beijing.

He says, "I hope you are all well."

He says he hopes we are all well.

He says,"I will return to London tomorrow."

He says He will return to London tomorrow.

He says,"I am staying at a hotel."

He says he is staying at a hotel.

He is a member of the club.

You know he is a member of the club.

I'm sure you need an X-ray.

I'm afraid I can't stand up.

I'm glad you went there yesterday.



What happened to Andy this morning?

He slipped and fell downstairs.

What does Andy think about this?

He thinks he has hurt his back.

Who is the doctor?


Does Andy think that he can get up?

No, Andy thinks he can't get up.

Will the doctor come? Is the doctor going to come?


What does Lucy think about this?

Lucy think that Andy needs an X-ray.


Andy slipped and fell downstairs this morning.

He thinks that he has hurt his back.

Andy is afraid that he can't get up.

Lucy says that she will call Dr.Carter.

The doctor says that he will come at once.

Lucy thinks that Andy needs an X-ray.






What's the matter, Andy?

I slipped and fell downstairs.

Have you hurt yourself?

Yes, I have.

I think that I've hurt my back.

Try and stand up.

Can you stand up?


Let me help you.

I'm sorry, Lucy.

I'm afraid that I can't get up.

I think that the doctor had better see you.

I'll phone Dr.Carter.

The doctor says that he will come at once.

I'm sure that you need an X-ray, Andy.


He thinks that he has hurt his back.

My mother thinks that she has hurt her back.


He is afraid that he can't get up.

They are afraid that they can't get up.


bad better + do

bad better + not + do




Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy



Scotland [5skCtlEnd] n. 苏格兰(英国)

card n. 明信片

youth [ju:W] n. 青年

hostel [5hCstEl] n. 招待所,旅馆(简易的)

association [E7sEusi5eiFEn] n. 协会

soon adv. 不久

write(wrote, written) v. 写


name card:名片(不正规)

business card:名片

birthday card:生日贺卡

membership card:会员卡



a youth of twenty

youth club

youth center





tavern:小酒店;客栈 [5tAvE(:)n]


write to sb./write sb. a letter/write a letter to sb.

write down:记下

hear from:收到某人来信

I write to my mother every month.

I wrote a letter to my husband last week.

I have written a letter to my boss.

Andy has written a letter to Lucy.

I hear from my mother every day.

They have heard from the boss.

The boss has heard from his wife.

He heard from his wife yesterday.



1 'I have just arrived in Scotland …a Youth Hostel.'


2 the Y.H.A.=the Youth Hostels Association:青年招待所协会“青招协”

a member of the Y.H.A.

3 speak up:大声地说

4 Love, Jimmy:爱你的吉米










1 问句的主语与主句的主语一致;

2 前后的助动词一致;

3 前后的时态一致。


Sally can speak French, can't she?

Sally can't speak French, can she?


升调 - 表示疑问,期待对方回答。

降调 - 语气确定,不需要回答。


You are a student, aren't you?

It's a fine day, isn't it?

You went to the party yesterday, didn't you?

You have finished your homework, haven't you?

You like music, don't you?

Your father doesn't like music, does he?

He isn't a good man, is he?

He doesn't say very much, does he?




What is Penny doing?

She is reading a card.

For whom?

For grandmother.

Whose card.

Jimmy's card.

Where is Jimmy now?


Has Jimmy stayed in Scotland/been there for a long time?

He has just arrived in Scotland.

Where is he staying now?

At a Youth Hostel.

Why can he stay at a Youth Hostel?

Because he's a member of the Y.H.A.

Will Jimmy write a letter soon?

He says he will.

What does Jimmy hope?

Jimmy hopes that they are all well.

Why does grandmother ask Penny to speak up?

Because she is afraid she can't hear very well.

Jimmy wrote a lot on the card, didn't he?

No, he didn't.

Is grandmother very happy about this?

No, she is not very happy.


Jimmy is the only child in the family.

The grandmother loves him very much.

Jimmy went to Scotland last week.

Grandmother got a card from Jimmy today.

Jimmy's mother is reading the card for grandmother.

He says he's just arrived in Scotland.

He says he is staying at a Youth Hostel.

Jimmy is a member of the Y.H.A.

(I know Jimmy is a member of the Y.H.A.)

He says that he'll write a letter soon.

He hopes we are all well.

The grandmother is asking Penny to speak up.

Because she is afraid she can't hear.

Jimmy doesn't write very much on the card.

(He can't write very much on a card.)

The grandma is not very happy.



Read Jimmy's card to me please, Penny. 祈使句

'I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel.' 直接引语


He says he's just arrived in Scotland. 间接引语

He says he's stay at a Youth Hostel.

You know he's a member of the Y.H.A.

The what?

The Y.H.A.,Mum.

The Youth Hostels Association.

What else does he say?

'I'll write a letter soon. I hope you are all well.'


Speak up, Penny.

I'm afraid I can't hear you.

He says he'll write a letter soon.

He hopes we are all well.

'Love, Jimmy.'

Is that all?

He doesn't say very much, does he?

He can't write very much on a card, Mum.




Lesson 102 He says he … She says she … They say they … P208


A Rewrite these sentences.


He is drinking his milk.

He says he has drunk his milk.

shut - shut/ put - put/ read - read/ speak - spoken/ rise - risen

1 She is shutting the door.

She says she has shut the door.

2 He is putting on his coat.

He says he has put on his coat.

3 He is reading this magazine.

He says he has read this magazine.

4 They are speaking to the boss.

They say they have spoken to the boss.

5 The sun is rising.

They say the sun has risen.


B.Look at this table.

He says he
 has got


will sell


must wait for

a bus

a haircut


a cold


an X-ray

an earache

his house


He says he has got a cold.

He says he feels cold/tired/thirsty/ill.

He says he will sell a bus/his house.

He says he needs a bus/a haircut/an X-ray/his house.

He says he must wait for a bus/an X-ray.


补充材料 P27








That book belongs to me. It's my book. It's mine. I bought it myself last week.

Her pen belongs to her. It's hers.

Come to my birthday party and enjoy yourselves.

This morning, my father shaved himself and cut himself.

Luckily, they didn't hurt themselves in the traffic accident.


II 经典口语习语、词组、谚语(phrases/idioms/proverbs)

as like as two peas(beans) 一模一样

cat nap 猫打盹 have a nap:打盹,小憩

carry out/fast food 外卖食品

in a jam 在果酱里;陷入困境

in hot water 处于困境里

wet blanket 扫兴的人,败兴的事

raise the roof 吵翻了天

Pain past is pleasure. 苦尽甘来


补充材料 P29



He says:"I'm a typist." -> He says he is a typist.

They say:"We are playing football." -> They say they are playing football.

She says to me:"You need a haircut." -> She says that I need a haircut.

My teacher says:"I can sing and dance." -> My teacher says he can sing and dance.

He says:"I went to the butcher's." -> He says he went to the butcher's.

I tell him to bring that book here. -> I tell him not to bring that book here.



change the direct speech into in direct speech:

1 I will fly to Beijing. (the old man says)

The old man says he will fly to Beijing.

2 My son is doing his homework. (Mrs.Jones says)

Mrs.Jones says her son is doing his homework.

3 He can paint the room pink. (Jane says)

Jane says he can paint the room pink.

4 She wanted to swim across the river. (they say)

They say she wanted to swim across the river.

5 I am afraid I have got only little money. (He says)

He says he is afraid he has got only little money.

6 We have read these books. (they say)

They say they have read these books.


Change the indirect speech into direct speech:

1 My friend says she likes coffee.

My friend says:"I like coffee."

2 Mr.Bird says he missed[疑为笔误,misses可能更为合适] his daughter very much.

Mr.Bird says:"I miss my daughter very much."

3 They say they need a good rest.

They say:"We need a good rest."

4 I say you can wait for the bus at the bus stop.

I say:"You can wait for the but at the bus stop."

5 He says he feels tired and thirsty.

He says:"I feel tired and thirsty."

6 She says she was glad to help you.

She says:"I was glad to help you."

7 He says he doesn't think he can finish the job by himself.

He says:"I don't think I can finish the job my myself."


补充材料 P28


II 经典口语习语、词组、谚语(phrases/idioms/proverbs)

<, P class=MsoNormal>be , on cloud nine 非常高兴

hit the ceiling 气得暴跳如雷

hot seat 坐不住;陷入困境

More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达 [heist]

Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨

Let bygones be bygones. 过去的就让它过去吧。

Love makes the world go around. 爱能使世界转动。




Lesson 103 The French test



exam n. 考试

pass v. 及格,通过

mathematics [7mAWi5mAtiks] n. (maths是缩写)数学 [mAWs]

question [5kwestFEn] n. (具体的某一个)问题

easy adj. 容易的

enough adv. 足够的

paper n. 考卷

fail v. 未及格,失败

answer v. 问答

mark n. 分数

rest n. 其他的东西

difficult adj. 困难的

hate v. 讨厌

low adj. 低的

cheer v. 振作,振奋

guy n. 家伙,人

top n. 上方,顶部


fail to do sth.

hate to do sth.

hate doing sth.

cheer up


Lesson 104 Too, very, enough



clever adj. 聪明的

stupid adj. 笨的

cheap adj. 便宜的

expensive adj. 贵的

fresh adj. 新鲜的

stale adj. 变馊的

low adj. 低的,矮的

loud adj. 大声的

high adj. 高的

hard adj. 硬的

sweet adj. 甜的

soft adj. 软的

sour adj. 酸的 [5sauE]


Lesson 103 The French test



exam/examination (综合性的)考试

test (单项技能的)考试

quiz (临时性的)小测验

midterm exam 期中考试

final exam 期末考试

sham exam 模拟考试

entrance examination 入学考试

driving test 驾照考试


… pass:……关口

pass the exam

pass in  + 具体的某一科


I think I passed the exam.

She thinks she passed in English.



issue 国际争端,分歧

question v. 审讯,质问


The policeman is questioning the thief

We questioned him yesterday.

have a problem

What's your problem?

We have this problem every year.

We are going to have a holiday. But we have a problem every year. Who is going to look after the dog/the house/the garden.

We have this problem every year. At last we stay at home. We look after everything.



I have enough time/time enough.



so good/very good

good enough

difficult enough

easy enough


It(形式主语)is …(真正的主语是动词不定式)

It is easy enough for me to answer this question.

This question is easy enough for me to answer.

It is low enough for me climb the wall.

The wall is low enough for me to climb.

get married

It is old enough for the girl to get married.

She is old enough to get married.


too … to

The wall is too high for me to climb.

It is too high for me to climb the wall.


Lesson 104 Too, very, enough


A Complete these sentences using too, very or enough.

1 I couldn't speak to the boss. He was very busy.

2 I couldn't go out. It was too cold for me to go out.

3 I could answer all the questions. They were very easy.

4 Is that suitcase light enough for you to carry?

5 Is your brother old enough to be a member of our association?

6 They couldn't see that film. They were too young.




B Answer these questions.


Could he answer all the question? (Yes/easy)

Yes, he could. They were easy enough for him to answer.

Could he answer all the question? (No/difficult)

No, he couldn't. They were too difficult for him to answer.

1 Could he buy the car? (Yes/cheap)

Yes, he could. The car was cheap enough for him to buy.

2 Could he buy the car? (No/expensive)

No, he couldn't. The car was too expensive for him to buy.

3 Could they eat the cakes? (Yes/fresh)

Yes, they could. The cakes were fresh enough for them to eat.

4 Could they eat the cakes? (No/stale)

No, they couldn't. The cakes were too stale for them to eat.

5 Could they hear the stereo? (Yes/loud)

Yes, they could. The stereo was loud enough for them to hear.

6 Could they hear the stereo? (No/low)

No, they couldn't. The stereo was too low for them to hear.

7 Could he climb the wall? (Yes/low)

Yes, he could. The wall was low enough for him to climb.

8 Could he climb the wall? (No/high)

No, he couldn't. The wall was too high for him to climb.

9 Could she eat the pear? (Yes/soft)

Yes, the pear was soft enough for her to eat.

10 Could she eat the pear? (No/hard)

No, she couldn't. The pear was too hard for her to eat.

11 Could she eat the orange? (Yes/sweet)

Yes, she could. The orange was sweet enough for her to eat.

12 Could she eat the orange? (No/sour)

No, she couldn't. The orange was too sour for her to eat.


I could answer the questions.

They were very easy.

I couldn't answer the questions.

They were too difficult.

The questions were easy enough for me to answer.

The questions were too difficult for me to answer.


Lesson 103 The French test




paper n.考卷(可数);纸张(不可数);论文








Failure is the mother of success.

fail to do sth. 不能够做……

I failed to help him/her yesterday.

fail + 科目:……考试失败了

I failed the French test last week.


answer v. (一般性的)回答



have a (good) rest

the rest:其余的东西

There are fifty students in the class. There are twenty girls. The rest are all boys.



I could answer sixteen questions.

The rest were too difficult for me to answer.

The rest were easy enough for me to answer.


I hate you/French test.

hate to do sth. (一次性的)

hate doing sth. (经常性的)

I hate to dance with you today.

I hate dancing with you.


speak out:大声讲

cheer up:振作起来



the bottle on the table

the train to London

the guy next to me


at the top of … :在……顶部

at the top of the paper

write -> wrote

sit -> sat

look -> looked (~at)

the guy next to me

I think I failed the French test.

Perhaps, I did/didn't it badly.

We didn't do it too badly.

The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. Then he sat there and looked at the paper for three hours. He didn't write a word.



Richard, Gary

I think I passed in English and Mathematics.

Richard thinks he passed in English and Mathematics.

The question was very easy.

The questions was very easy.

What/How about you, Gary?

The English paper wasn't easy enough for me.

The English and Mathematics papers weren't easy enough for me.

I hope I have passed./I hope I haven't failed.

I think I failed the French paper/test.

some of them/some of the children/some of the questions.

I could answer sixteen of the questions.

They were very easy.

I/Gary couldn't answer the rest.

They were too difficult for me.

The questions is too difficult for Gary to answer.

It is too difficult for Gary to answer this question.

The French tests are awful, aren't they?

I hate them.

I'm sure I've got a low mark.

Cheer up!

Perhaps we didn't do too badly.

The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper.

Then he sat there and looked at the paper for three hours!

He didn't write a word.



How was the exam, Richard?

Not too bad.

I think I passed in English and Mathematics.

The questions were very easy.

How about you, Gary?

The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me.

I hope I haven't failed.

I think I failed the French paper.

I could answer sixteen of the questions.

They were very easy.

But I couldn't answer the rest.

They were too difficult for me (to answer).

French tests are awful, aren't they?

I hate them.

I'm sure I've got a low mark.

Oh, cheer up!

Perhaps we didn't do too badly.

The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper.


Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours!

He didn't write a word!






Lesson 105 Full of mistakes



spell v. 拼写 (spelt, spelt)

intelligent adj. 聪明的,有智慧的

mistake n. 错误

present n. 礼物

dictionary n. 词典


mistake 比较一般的错误

blunder 由于粗心大意犯的比较严重的错误

error 没有按照既定的程序、规定犯的错误

fault 侧重于人的错误、过失

make a mistake

I often make a mistake in the exam.

make some mistakes

She always makes some mistakes in the homework.

I made a mistake last week.

I have made a lot of mistakes.

It's my fault.


be full of

This room is full of students.

This letter is full of mistakes.


at present 目前

present n. (小)礼物

gift 礼物(比较贵重)

humble present 区区薄礼



结构:to + 动词原形,to是个小品词,可以做宾语,宾语补足语

I want to go home.

I want you to go home.

The boss wants Pamela to type a letter.

I want you to type the letter again, because this letter is full of mistakes.

I typed a letter yesterday.

The boss asked Pamela to type a letter last week.

Pamela has typed the letter.

Pamela typed the letter last night.

Pamela is typing the letter.

Pamela will type the letter tomorrow.

Pamela types ten letters every week.


be sorry about 为此很抱歉

I am sorry about this.


Who typed the letter for the boss? Sandra

Who is the office assistant? Bob

Why did the boss ask Sandra to type the letter?

Because this letter is full of mistakes.

What's wrong with the word 'intelligent'?

I have typed the letter.

I have typed this word 'intelligent' with only one 'l'.

You have typed the word with only one 'l'.

What did the boss give Sandra? A dictionary.

What does the boss want?

He hopes that the dictionary will help Sandra.




The boss is in his office.

Bob is the office assistant.

typist 打字员

Sandra is a typist.

The boss wants Sandra to come to his office.

The boss asked Sandra to type a letter for him yesterday.

Sandra typed the letter last night.

But she typed the word 'intelligent' with only one 'l'.

This letter is full of mistakes.

angry 生气

a little bit

The boss is a little bit angry.



The boss went to the bookshop this morning.

He bought a dictionary for Sandra.

He hopes it will help Sandra.

The boss wants Sandra to type the letter again.

Sandra says she will type the letter soon.


When Sandra knows that the boss bought a present for her, she is very happy.



Where's Sandra, Bob?

I want her.

Do you want to speak to her?

Yes, I do.

I want her to come to my office.

Tell her to come at once.

Did you want  to see me?

Ah, yes, Sandra.

How do you spell 'intelligent'?

Can you tell me?


That's right.

You've typed it with only one 'l'.

This letter's full of mistakes.

I want you to type it again.

Yes, I'll do that.

I'm sorry about that.

And here's a little present for you.

What is it?

It's a dictionary.

I hope it'll help you.


to 在名词,代词,动词的ing形式之前是介词。

to 的后面是动词原形,就是不定式。

to answer the question

to finish the work




Lesson 106 I want you/him/them to



carry v. 携带

correct v. 改正,纠正

keep v. 保存,保留


Written exercises 书面练习 A page 216


Please repair it. I want you to repair it.

1 I want you to spell it.

2 I want you to telephone him.

3 I want you to wear it.

4 I want you to ask her

5 I want you to tell them.

6 I want you to help us.


Written exercises 书面练习 B page 216

Type it again!

What do you want me to do? I want you to type it again.

1 What do you want me to do? I want you to carry it.

2 Correct it!

3 Listen to it!

4 Describe it!

5 Move it!

6 Try it!

7 Finish it!

8 Keep it!

What does your father want me to do?

He wants you to try it.

What does Mr.Liu want Lucy to do?

He wants her to correct it.

What does the boss want Sandra to do?

He wants her to finish it.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to keep it.

attendant 接待员

What does the attendant want Mr.Wood to do?

He wants him to describe it.


Written exercises 书面练习 C page 216

Don't type it again! (He/her)

He is telling her not to type it again.

He doesn't want her to type it again.

1 Don't hurt yourself! (she/him)

She is telling him not to hurt himself.

She doesn't want him to hurt himself.

2 Don't slip. (she/him)

She is telling him not to slip.

She doesn't want him to slip.

3 Don't fall! (she/him)

She is telling him not to fall.

She doesn't want him to fall.

4 Don't miss it! (she/them)

She is telling them not to miss it.

She doesn't want them to miss it.

5 Don't break it! (she/him)

My mother is telling my brother not to break it.

My mother doesn't want my brother to break it.

6 Don't drive it! (he/her)

Don't drive it so quickly!

Mr.Baker is telling his daughter not to drive so quickly.

Mr.Baker doesn't want his daughter to drive so quickly.


Written exercises 书面练习 D page 216

Why is he speaking to her?

Because he doesn't want her to type it again.

1 Why is she speaking to him? (hurt himself)

Because she doesn't want him to hurt himself.

2 Why is she speaking to him? (slip)

Because she doesn't want him to slip.

3 Why is she speaking to him? (fall)

Because she doesn't want him to fall.,

4 Why is she speaking to them? (miss it)

Because she doesn't want them to miss it.

5 Why is she speaking to him? (break it)

Because she doesn't want him to break it.

6 Why is he speaking to her? (drive it)

Because he doesn't want her to drive it.


Lesson 107 It's so small.



madam n. 夫人,女士

smart adj. 漂亮的

as well 同样

suit v. 适于

pretty adj. 漂亮的





John is tall.

Tim is taller than him.


Tim taller than John is.

Steven is the tallest student in the class.

Steven is the tallest student I have ever seen.


longer, longest

The red pencil is long.

The green pencil is longer than the red pencil.

pencil box

The yellow pencil is the longest in the pencil box.


Lesson 108 How do they compare?


Written exercise 书面练习 A page 220

cold -> colder -> coldest

nice -> nicer -> nicest

hot -> hotter -> hottest

heavy -> heavier -> heaviest

It is warm today, but it was warmer yesterday.

1 cooler

2 wetter

3 later

4 easier

5 larger


Written exercise 书面练习 B page 220

I am very young.

I am younger than you are.

I am the youngest in the class.

1 I am very old.

  I am older than you are.

  I am the oldest in the class.

2 I am very tall.

  I am taller than you are.

  I am the tallest in the class.

3 I am very lazy.

  I am lazier than you are.

  I am the laziest in the class.

4 I am very heavy.

  I am heavier than you are.

  I am the heaviest in the class.



Mr.Smith is fat.

Mrs.Smith is fatter than Mr.Smith.

Their sun is the fattest in the family.

lucky -> luckier -> luckiest

Andy is lucky.

I am luckier than Andy.

Lucy is the luckiest person here.

This policeman is tall.

But that policeman is taller.

He is the tallest policeman I have ever seen.

1 This street is clean.

But that street is cleaner.

This is the cleanest street I have ever seen.

2 This man is old.

old -> older -> oldest

But that man is older.

He is the oldest man I have ever seen.

3 long -> longer -> longest

This river is long.

But that river is longer than this one.

This is the longest river I have ever seen.

4 This woman is short.

That woman is shorter.

She is the shortest woman in the YHA.

5 blunt -> blunter -> bluntest

This knife is blunt.

That knife is blunter that this one.

This is the bluntest knife I have ever seen.


Lesson 107 It's too small.





Sophia is tall.

Paul is taller than Sophia.

Hans is the tallest student in our class.

It is hot today.

It was hotter yesterday.

the day before yesterday.

The day before yesterday was the hottest day in the year/this year.

last year


at the race 在赛场

in the race 比赛中

There was a large crowd at the crowd at the race last year.

This year the crowd is larger.

It is the largest crowd I have ever seen.

The brown suitcase is heavy.

The blue suitcase is heavier than the brown one.

the heaviest of them all.

The green suitcas, e is the heaviest of them all.



as well 用于口语中,不用于否定句

You can do it.

I can do it as well.

He understand French.

She understand French as well.

too 也,太



as well

I like France too.

Are you French too?

I don't like chicken either.

I also like French.


suit v. 适于 n. 套服

This coat suits me.

This coat doesn't suit me.

Does this coat suit me?

at all

I don't like you.

I don't like you at all.

This coat doesn't suit me at all.

This dress doesn't suit my mother at all.


prettier -> prettiest

Where is the lady? In a shop.

What does she want to do? She wants to buy a dress.

What color does  she like?

What color is the first dress? blue

How many dresses did the shop assistant give the lady?

What color is the first one?

What about the second one?

Which one is the short skirt?

Are short skirts in fashion now?

Why doesn't the lady like the dress?

The lady is very thin.

Can the shop assistant give a dress to the lady?

But the lady doesn't like any of the dresses here.

What color is the short skirt? Green.

Does the lady like green? She like blue.


A lady is in a shop.

She wants to buy a dress.

give -> gave -> given

The shop assistant gave her a blue dress.

But the lady doesn't like it.

She likes the color.

But she thinks the dress is too small for her.

The shop assistant gave her another lovely dress.

It's very smart.

And short skirts are in fashion now.

would like to do sth.

I would like to have a glass of beer.

Would you like to come?

Would you like to type a letter for me?

Would you like to try it?

All right.

I'm afraid that the green dress is too small for me as well.

I am afraid that my father won't like you either.

The green dress is smaller than the blue one.

I don't like the color either.

It doesn't suit me at all.

They don't suit me at all.

I think the blue dress is prettier.


Could you show me another dress.

I want a dress like that one.

But it must be my size.

It is my size.

It can be my size.

It is the largest dress in the shop.



Do you like this dress, madam?

I like the colour very much.

It's a lovely dress, but it's too small for me.

What about this one?

It's a lovely dress.

It's very smart.

Short skirts are in fashion now.

Would you like to try it? All right.

I'm afraid this green dress is too small for me as well.

It's smaller that the blue one.

I don't like the colour either.

It doesn't suit me at all.

I think the blue dress is prettier.

Could you show me another blue dress?

I want a dress like that one, but it must be my size.

I'm afraid I haven't got a larger dress. This is the largest dress in the shop.


Could you tell me the way to the post office?




Lesson 109 A good idea



idea n. 主意

a little 少许

teaspoonful n. 一满茶匙的

less adj. 较少的,更少的

a few 几个

pity n. 遗憾

instead adv. 代替

advice n. 建议,忠告


idea 含义较广

opinion 对某事具体的看法

thought 成系统的思想

view 侧重个人意见

a good idea

in one's opinion

in my opinion

in his opinion

viewpoint 观察视点

I have a good idea.


a little 修饰不可数名词,表示肯定含义

little 修饰不可数名词,表示否定含义

a few 修饰可数名词,表示肯定含义

few 修饰可数名词,表示否定含义

I have a little milk.

I have little milk.

She has a few friends.

She has few friends.


good,well -> better -> best

bad,ill -> worse -> worst

old -> older -> oldest 老,年龄大

    -> elder -> eldest 排行比较

far -> farther -> farthest 指距离

    -> further -> furthest 表示程度

many,much -> more -> most

little -> less -> least

elder sister 姐姐

further study 进修学习

further explanation 进一步的解释


She is a beautiful girl.

How beautiful she is!

How beautiful the girl is!

What a beautiful girl she is!

What a beautiful girl!

It is a pity.

What a pity it is!

What a pity!


instead of

She didn't go there yesterday.

I went there instead.

There is no coffee.

Let's drink a cup of tea instead.

Let's watch TV instead of playing cards.

I went there instead of her.

drink -> drank -> drunk

I drank a cup of coffee instead of tea.


advice n. 建议,忠告(不可数名词)

advise v.

a piece of advice 一条建议

take one's advice 听众某人的建议

follow one's advice

had better do sth.

You'd better take my advice next time.

advise sb. to do sth.


Lesson 110 How do they compare?



most adj. 最多的(many, much的最高级)

least adj. 最小的,最少的(little的最高级)

best adj. 最好的(good的最高级)

worse adj. 更坏的(bad的比较级)

worst adj. 最坏的(bad的最高级)


Written exercises 书面练习 A page 224


much 修饰不可数名词

many 修饰可数名词

less 修饰不可数名词

fewer 修饰可数名词


1 many

2 less

3 much

4 fewer


Written exercises 书面练习 A page 224


Have you got any coffee?

I haven't got much coffee. I've got very little.

Have you got any biscuits?

I haven't got many biscuits. I've got very few.

1 Have you got any jam?

  I haven't got much jam. I've got very little.

2 Have you got any potatoes?

  I haven't got many potatoes. I've got very few.

3 Have you got any oranges?

  I haven't got many oranges. I've got very few.

4 Have you got any vegetables?

  I haven't got many vegetables. I've got very few.

5 Have you got any meat?

  I haven't got much meat. I've got very little.

6 Have you got any money?

  I haven't got much money. I've got very little.


Written exercises 书面练习 C page 224


I've got some coffee.

I've got more coffee than you have.

1 I've got some soap. I've got more soap than you have.

2 I've got some fruit. I've got more fruit than you have.

3 I've got some books. I've got more books than you have.

4 I've got some presents. I've got more presents than you have.

5 I've got some eggs. I've got more eggs than you have.

6 I've got some stationery. I've got more stationery than you have.


Written exercises 书面练习 D page 224


I've got some coffee.

I've got less coffee than you have. I've got the least.

I've got some biscuits.

I've got fewer biscuits than you have. I've got the fewest.

1 I've got some jam.

  I've got less jam than you have. I've got the least.

2 I've got some potatoes.

  I've got fewer potatoes than you have. I've got the fewest.

4 I've got some oranges.

  I've got fewer oranges than you have. I've got the fewest.

5 I've got some meat.

  I've got less meat than you have. I've got the least.

6 I've got some money.

  I've got less money than you have. I've got the least.


Have you got any chocolate?

I haven't got much.

I've got more than you have.

I've got the most.

Have you got any chocolate?

I've got very little.

I've got less than you have.

I've got the least.

Have you made any mistakes?

I haven't made many.

I've made more than you have.

I've made the most.

Have you made any mistakes?

I've made very few.

I've made fewer than you have.

I've made the fewest.


You must see my new car.

It's very good.

This one's better.

This one's the best I've ever seen.

You mustn't go to that restaurant.

It's very bad.

This one's worse.

This one's the worst I've ever seen.


Lesson 109 A good idea







Charlotte wants to make some coffee for Jane.

Charlotte is making some coffee for Jane.

Charlotte has made some coffee for Jane.

Charlotte made some coffee for Jane yesterday.

Charlotte will make some coffee for Jane.

I will make some coffee for you.

I shall make some coffee for you.

Shall I make some coffee, Jane?

That's a good idea.

prepare v. 准备

ready adj.

The dinner is ready.

The coffee is ready.

Are you ready?

I want some milk.

I don't want any milk.

Do you want any milk?

Does Jane want any milk?

Just a little.

Jane wants just a little milk in her coffee.

What about you?

What about some sugar?

Two teaspoonfuls.

Less than that.

One and a half teaspoonfuls.

That's enough for me.

The coffee is very nice.

It was very nice.

That was very nice.

Would you like sth.?

Would you like to do sth.?

I would like some milk.

Would you like some milk?

I would like to go to Shanghai tomorrow.

I would like to play football with you.

Would you like to play football with us?

Would you like to drink a cup of coffee?

Yes, please.

I would like a cigarette.

Jane would like a cigarette.

May I have one?

Of course./ Certainly.

I think there are a few in that box.

I am afraid It's empty.

What a pity!

Have a biscuit instead.

That's very good advice!

It doesn't matter.

Eat more and smoke less!



Shall I make some coffee, Jane?

That's a good idea, Charlotte.

It's ready.

Do you want any milk?

Just a little, please.

What about some sugar? Two teaspoonfuls?

No, less than that.

One and a half teaspoonfuls, please.

That's enough for me.

That was very nice.

Would you like some more?

Yes, please.

I'd like a cigarette, too.

May I have one?

Of course.

I think there are a few in that box.

I'm afraid it's empty.

What a pity!

It doesn't matter.

Have a biscuit instead.

Eat more and smoke less.

That's very good advice!


I'd like = I would like


It matters.

Does it matter?


Would you like some more?




Lesson 111 The most expensive model



model n. 型号,式样

afford v. 付得起

deposit n. 预付定金

instalment n. 分期付款

price n. 价格

millionaire n. 百万富翁



interesting, expensive, difficult, beautiful

more, the most

less, the least


as … as, not as(so) … as

The television is expensive.

That television is as expensive as this one.

My father is as tall as my mother.

My wife is as beautiful as my mother.

The red is as blunt as the green one.

This story is as interesting as that one.

The French test is as difficult as English test for me.

My mother is not as tall as my father.

This television is not as expensive as that one.

Of course, this television is not as good as that one.

I like this model.

This model is expensive.

That model is more expensive.

This model is the most expensive in the shop.

This story is interesting.

That one is more interesting.

This is the most interesting story I have ever read.

This test is difficult.

That test is more difficult.

This is the most difficult test I have ever done.

Mary is a beautiful.

Her sister is more beautiful.

Sophia is the most beautiful girl in the class.

less, the least.

This model is expensive.

This model is less expensive.

This is the least expensive model.

This test is difficult.

That test is less difficult.

This is the least difficult test I have ever done.

This book is interesting.

This book is less interesting.

This is the least interesting book I have ever read.

This book is the least interesting I have ever read.


Lesson 112 How do they compare?


The red apple is as sweet as the green one.

My grandfather is as short as my grandmother.

This knife is as sharp as that one.

The yellow car is not as clean as the white car.

The brown bag is not as new as the red one.

This test is difficult.

This test is more difficult.

This is the most difficult test I have ever done.

This book is interesting.

This book is less interesting.

This is the least interesting book I have ever read.

This book is the least interesting I have ever read.


Written exercises 书面练习 A page 228

1 cheaper

2 more expensive

3 easier

4 more difficult


Lesson 111 The most expensive model




model n. 型号,式样,模特

fashion model 时装模特

afford v. 付得起,腾出时间

I can only afford two days this week.

I want to buy a television.

I like this model.

But it is too expensive for me.

I can't afford it.

Can you afford it?

My husband always wants the best.

But we can't afford it.


pay a deposit of



You can pay a deposit of one hundred pounds, and then twenty pounds a month for three years.

You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourty(笔误,应为fourteen) pounds a month for five years.


You can pay a deposit of five thousand yuan and then three hundred yuan a month for ten years.


buy sth. on instalments

I want to buy the house on instalments.

They bought the house on instalments last year.

My sister has bought the house on instalment.

I like the television, but I can't afford it. Can I buy it on instalments?



good price



standard market price 标准市场价




What does Mr.Frith want to do?

Is Mr.Frith a millionaire?

Do all the millionaires buy things on instalment?

Does a millionaire buy things on instalment?

Which model does Mr.Frith like in the shop?

How much does it cost?

Does Mrs.Frith like this model?

What doesn't she like?

Does she like the price?

Does Mr.Frith think that they can afford the most expensive model?

How does Mr.Frith want to buy the model?

How can they buy the model on instalment?

Is Mrs.Frith very happy?

Is there any less expensive model in the shop?

Does Mrs.Frith like the less expensive model?


Where is Mr.Frith?

Is he with his wife?

What do they want to do?

Does Mr.Frith like one model in the shop?

Is it the most expensive model in the shop?

Can they afford it?

Does the shop assistant advise Mr.Frith to buy a less expensive model?

How much does the less expensive model cost?

Is the less expensive model as good as the most expensive model?

Does Mr.Frith think the most expensive model is worth the money?

How can Mr.Frith buy the model?

Can he buy the television on instalment?

Does his wife like his idea?

Is Mr.Frith a millionaire?

Does Mrs.Frith think that Mr.Frith is a millionaire?

Does Mr.Frith always buy things on instalment?




I like this television very much. How much does it cost?

It's the most expensive model in the shop. It costs five hundred pounds.

That's too expensive for us. We can't afford all that money.

This model's less expensive than that one. It's only three hundred pounds.

But of course, it's not as good as the expensive one.

I don't like this model.

The other model's more expensive, but it's worth the money.

Can we buy it on instalments? Of course.

You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.

Do you like it, dear?

I certainly do, but I don't like the price.

You always want the best, but we can't afford it.

Sometimes you think you're a millionaire!

Millionaires don't buy things on instalments!


A millionaire doesn't buy things on instalment.




Lesson 112 How do they compare?


Written exercises 书面练习B page 228

1 Is the policeman as tall as the policewoman?

  No, he isn't. The policeman isn't as tall as the policewoman.

4 Is the red pencil as blunt as the green pencil?

  No, it isn't. The red pencil isn't as blunt as the green pencil.

5 Is the blue car as clean as the red car?

  No, it isn't. The blue car isn't as clean as the red car.

6 Is the woman as fat as the man?

  No, she isn't. The woman isn't as fat as the man.


Written exercises 书面练习C page 228

1 No, it isn't. It is more expensive. It's the most expensive radio I've ever seen.

2 No, he isn't. He is more intelligent. He is the most intelligent person I've ever met.

3 No, it isn't. It's more interesting. It's the most interesting book I've ever read.

4 No, it isn't. It's less difficult. It is the least difficult test I've ever done.




Lesson 113 Small change



conductor n. 售票员

fare n. 车费,车票

change v. 兑换

note n. 纸币

passenger n. 乘客

none pron. 没有任何东西

neither adv. 也不

get off 下车

tramp n. 流浪汉

except prep. 除…外


Can you change this note?

notebook 笔记本

take notes 做笔记



[none pron. 没有任何东西]

no adj.

not any

I have no time.

I don't have any time.

I haven't any time.

I have none.

There is no milk in the bottle.

There isn't any milk in the bottle.

There is none.

I have not friends.

I don't have any friends.

I have none.

She has no money.

She doesn't have any money.

She has none.


Lesson 114 I've got none


Written exercises 书面练习 A page 232

1 There are no books on that shelf.

2 I have got no money.

3 There is no coffee in this tin.

4 I saw no cars in the street.


Written exercises 书面练习 B page 232


1 No, I haven't got any milk.

  I've got no milk. I've got none.

2 No, I haven't got any envelopes.

  I've got no envelopes. I've got none.

3 No, I haven't got any magazines.

  I've got no magazines. I've got none.

4 No, I haven't got any bread.

  I've got no bread. I've got none.


Have you got any chocolate?

I haven't got any.

I've got no chocolate.

I've got none.

Have you got any envelopes?

I haven't got any.

I've got no envelopes.

I've got none.


Have you got any cake?

I've got some.

Have you got any biscuits?

I've got some.


Lesson 113 Small change



Lucy is a student.

So am I.

So are they.

So is her brother.

I like music.

So does my brother.

I don't like music.

So does my father.

So do they.

They went to the party yesterday.

So did I.

They didn't go to the party yesterday.

They are swimming.

So is the boy.

Sally can speak English.

So can I.

They must go home.

So must you.

I have some change.

So have I.

They have some money.

So has the tramp.

So have the tramps.

She isn't a student.

Neither is he.

Neither are they.

She isn't a good person.

Neither is her husband.

Neither are they.

I don't like you.

Neither does my mother.

Neither do my grandfather and grandmother.

I can't swim.

Neither can my brother.

We didn't go there yesterday.

Neither did Sally.

They are singing.

So is the girl.

You mustn't smoke here.

Neither must they.

I don't have any change.

Neither do they.

I haven't any change.

Neither have they.


I haven't any either.

Neither have I.

So have I.

So has she.

I've got some.

So have I.


Written exercises 书面练习 C page 232


1 Neither am I. I'm not hungry, either.

2 Neither did I. I didn't meet him, either.

3 Neither was I. I wasn't at church, either.

4 Neither do I. I don't like ice cream, either.

5 Neither can I. I can't swim, either.

6 Neither am I. I am not a doctor, either.


Written exercises 书面练习 D page 232


1 So am I. I'm hungry, too.

2 So did I. I met him, too.

3 So was I. I was at church yesterday, too.

4 So do I. I like ice cream, too.

5 So can I. I can swim, too.

6 So am I. I am a doctor, too.


Lesson 113 Small change


You must get off the bus.


except prep. 除…外(不包括)

besides 除了(包括)

There are five girls besides two boys.

They all went there except me.

They all went there besides me.



Fares, please!

Trafalgar Square


How many people are mentioned here in this dialogue?

Where does the man want to go?

What's the problem with him?

What does he give to the conductor?

What will he do?

What does the conductor say?

What will he do?

Can the two men and two women change the note?

Are they all millionaires?

What happened at last?


A man wants to go to the Trafalgar Square.

But he doesn't have any change.

But he hasn't any change.

He gives a ten-pound note to the conductor.

But the conductor can't change the note.

some of the children

some of the passengers

The conductor says that he will ask some of the passengers.

But no passengers can change the note.

They say they have no small change.

There two tramps on the bus.

They say that they can change the note.



Fares, please! Trafalgar Square, please.

I'm sorry, sir.

I can't change a ten-pound note.

Haven't you got any small change?

I've got no small change, I'm afraid.

I'll ask some of the passengers.

Have you any small change, sir?

I'm sorry. I've got none.

I haven't got any either.

Can you change this ten-pound note, madam?

I'm afraid I can't. Neither can I.

I'm very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus.

None of our passengers can change this note.

They're all millionaires!

Except us.

I've got some small change. So have I.


Lesson 115 Knock, Knock!



anyone pron. 任何人

knock v. 敲,打

everything pron. 一切事物

quiet adj. 宁静的,安静的

impossible adj. 不可能的

invite v. 邀请

anything pron. 任何东西

nothing pron. 什么也没有

lemonade n. 柠檬水

joke v. 开玩笑


Lesson 116 Every, no, any and some



every 每一个

everyone 每一个人

everybody 每一个人(多用于口语中)

everything 每件事情

everywhere 到处,每个地方


none 没有

no one 没有人

nobody 没有人

nothing 没什么事情

nowhere 不在任何地方


any 任何

anyone 任何人

anybody 任何人

anything 任何事情

anywhere 任何地方



some 一些

someone 某人

somebody 某人

something 某件事情

somewhere 某个地方


Where are you?

Somewhere in Beijing.




Someone is knocking at the door.

Nobody is absent.

Something is wrong with my watch.

Everything is all right.


I know nothing about it.

I didn't see anyone in the garden.

She didn't talk to anyone at the party.

She talked to nobody at the party.


She is nobody.

That is nothing. It's nothing.

This is something. This is something we must decide first.

He is somebody.


I am nobody. But I have a dream.


Everyone is asleep.

Everybody is asleep.

Everything is untidy.

I looked for my pen everywhere.

Is there anyone at home?

Is there anybody at home?

Is there anything in that box?

I couldn't find my pen anywhere.

There's no one at home.

There's nobody at home.

There is nothing in this box.

Where did you go yesterday?

Nowhere. I stayed at home.

There is someone in the garden.

There is somebody in the garden.

There is something under that chair.

My glasses must be somewhere.

You're wearing them.



asleep adj. 睡着(用作表语)

glasses n. 眼镜


Written exercises 书面练习 A page 236

1 I did nothing.

2 I saw no one.

3 I went nowhere.

4 I met nobody.


Written exercises 书面练习 B page 236

1 No, I didn't hear anything. I heard nothing.

2 No, I didn't speak to anyone. I spoke to no one.

3 No, I didn't go anywhere. I went nowhere.

4 No, I didn't buy anything. I bought nothing.

5 No, I didn't write to anybody. I wrote to nobody.

6 No, I didn't meet anyone. I met no one.


Written exercises 书面练习 C page 236

look out of the window

hurry to work



1 Everyone's looking out of the window.

2 Everyone's hurrying to work.

3 Everyone's eating.

4 Everyone's drinking lemonade.


Written exercises 书面练习 D page 236



beautiful flower

something good

something bad




I have got something to wear.

I haven't got anything to wear.

I have got nothing to wear.


1 No, I haven't got anything to eat. I have got nothing to eat.

  He has got something to eat.

2 No, I haven't got anything to do. I have got nothing to do.

  They have got something to do.

3 No, I haven't got anything to drink. I have got nothing to drink.

  She's got something to drink.

4 No, I haven't got anything to read. I've got nothing to read.

  He's got something to read.


Lesson 115 Knock, Knock!


Everything is quiet.


I must go to the greengrocery[疑为笔误,应为greengrocer's] to buy some fruit.


It is impossible for sb. to do sth.

It is possible for me to pass the Band 6 Exam.


invite sb. to do sth.

I invited some of my friends to have lunch yesterday.


She is joking.

Don't believe him.

She is only joking.


Who invited who to have lunch?

How many people here are mentioned in this dialogue?

Who are they?

Where are Tom and Carol having lunch now?

Why are they having lunch in garden?

What does Jim want to drink?

Is there any beer?

What does Carol say?

What does Carol ask Jim to drink?

What is Carol doing?

Is there anyone in the house?




Lesson 115 Knock, Knock


Is there anyone at home?

Is everything very quiet?

What is Jim sure?

What does Helen think?

What does Helen ask Jim to do?


Jim is knocking at the door.

But there is no one at home.

Everything is very quiet.

Jim is sure there is no one at home.

I am sure there is no one at home.

But Helen thinks it is impossible.

Because Carol and Tom invited them to lunch.

look through

ask sib. to do sth.

Helen asks Jim to look through the window.

What can Jim see?

What does Helen ask Jim to do?

Is everyone in the garden?

Why are they having lunch in the garden?

Let's go home.


Let's try the back door.

Helen asks Jim to try the back door.

Everyone is in the garden.

Everyone wants to have lunch in the garden.

Everyone wants to stay in the warm house in winter.


What does Jim want to do?

Jim wants to have a glass of beer.

But Carol says there is no beer left.

Carol asks Jim to have some lemonade.

She is only joking.



Isn't there anyone at home? I'll knock again, Helen.

Everything's very quiet. I'm sure there's no one at home.

But that's impossible.

Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.

Look through the window. Can you see anything?

Nothing at all. Let's try the back door.

Look! Everyone's in the garden.

Hello, Helen. Hello, Jim.

Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden.

It's nice and warm out here.

Come and have something to drink. Thanks, Carol.

May I have a glass of beer please?

Beer? There's none left.

You can have some lemonade. Lemonade!

Don't believe her, Jim. She's only joking.

Have some beer.


see through 看透

left adj. 剩余的

believe in 信任


Lesson 117 Tommy's breakfast



dinning room(hall) 饭厅

coin n. 硬币

mouth n. 嘴

swallow v. 吞下

later adv. 后来

toilet n. 厕所,盥洗室






1 在过去某个特定的时间正在进行或发生的动作。

2 当过去的一个动作发生的时候另外一个动作正在进行。


主语+ was(were)+ doing

I was sleeping at eight o'clock yesterday morning.

They were swimming in the river at three o'clock yesterday afternoon.

at this time 这个时候

I was walking in the street at this time last week.

I was leaving the house when he arrived.

when 当……的时候

while 当……的时候(强调两个动作的同时进行)

just as 正当……

I cut myself while I was shaving.

I cut myself badly while I was shaving.




主语 + had + 动词的过去分词

I had read five books by the end of last year.



The students had learnt two thousand words by the end of last term.

before, after

Mr.Smith bought a new car after he had sold his old car.

We had had dinner before they arrived.

When I was leaving the house he arrived.

When I was having breakfast, someone knocked at the door.

ring, rang

The telephone rang just as I was opening the door.

slip 滑倒

hurt 伤着

get off the bus 下公共汽车

When she was getting off the bus, she slipped and hurt herself.

My wife was cooking in the kitchen while I was working in the garden.


Lesson 118 What were you doing?

page 239



sell sold sold

I asked the price of the car, but they had already sold it.

run, ran, run

leave, left, left

platform 站台

The day before yesterday, I ran to the platform quickly, but the train had already left.

go, went, gone

finish, finished

She had finished the housework before she went out.

go on holiday 度假

take the exam 考试

go, went, gone

take, took, taken

She went on the holiday after she had taken the exam.


Lesson 120 It had already happened.


page 243

correct 纠正

exercise 练习


Lesson 118 What were you doing?


page 239

Written exercises 书面练习 A

1 He knocked at the door when I was answering the phone.

2 He came downstairs when I was having breakfast.

3 The phone rang when I was washing the dishes.

4 The boss arrived when she was typing a letter.

5 The rain left when I was buying the tickets.

6 It rained heavily when I was driving to London.


page 240

Written exercise 书面练习B


cook a meal, wash the dishes, work in the garden, type letters

shave, boil the milk, phone my sister, dust the bedroom

1 When he arrived I was cooking a meal.

2 He arrived when I was washing the dishes.

3 When he arrived I was working in the garden.

4 When he arrived I was typing letters.

5 When he arrived I was shaving.

6 When he arrived I was boiling the milk.

7 When he arrived I was phoning to my sister.

8 When he arrived I was dusting the bedroom.


page 240

Written exercises 书面练习 C


1 While I was cooking the dinner, he was having a wash.

2 While I was cooking the dinner, he was watching television.

3 While I was cooking the dinner, he was cleaning his shoes.

4 While I was cooking the dinner, he was listening to the radio.

5 While I was cooking the dinner, he was changing his suit.

6 While I was cooking the dinner, he was sitting in the dining room.

7 While I was cooking the dinner, he was reading the paper.

8 While I was cooking the dinner, he was driving home from work.


Lesson 120 It had already happened.

page 243

Written exercises 书面练习A


1 He dropped the vase after he had taken it into the living room.

2 He bought another car after he had sold his old one.

3 He swept the floor after he had dusted everything.

4 She drank the milk after she had boiled it.

5 He turned off the television after he had seen the programme.

6 He went to bed after he had done his homework.


page 244 Written exercises 书面练习


1 Yes, I have just seen it. I had never seen it before.

2 Yes, they have just read it. They had never read it before.

3 Yes, she has just tried it. She had never tried it before.

4 Yes, I have just been there. I had never been there before.

5 Yes, She has just written a letter in English. She had never written a letter in English before.

6 Yes, she has just watched this programme. She had never watched this programme before.


page 244 Written exercises 书面练习C


1 It was too late. He had already painted it.

2 It was too late. She had already dusted it.

3 It was too late. You had already telephoned him.

4 It was too late. You had already corrected it.

5 It was too late. They had already shutted it.

6 It was too late. She had already made it.


page 244 Written exercises 书面练习D


1 I went to the doctor after I had made an appointment.

2 The boss left the office after he had finished work.

3 My wife went out after she had finished the housework.

4 The teacher gave me my exercise book after he had corrected it.

5 The girl went on holiday after she had taken the examination.

6 My father bought a new car after he had sold his old one last week.


Lesson 117 Tommy's breakfast




What happened?

When he dropped some coins?

What was my husband doing?

Where were the coins?

Did they try to find the coins?


When my husband was going into the dinning room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor. There were coins everywhere.

We tried to look for them, but we could not find them all.

What did Tommy find on the floor?

After Tommy found two coins, what did he do?

When Tommy found the two coins, what were Tommy's parents doing?

Did Tommy's parents try to get the coins?

Could they get the coins?

While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, found two small coins on the floor.

He put them both into his mouth.

We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late.

Tommy had already swallowed them.

When the lady's husband phoned from the office, what was she doing?

What did her husband say?

How did the woman answer?

Later that morning, when I was doing the housework, my husband phoned me from the office.

'How's Tommy?' He asked.

'I don't know,’ I answered, 'Tommy's been to the toilet three times this morning, but I haven't had any change yet!'


My husband is an engineer.

I am a housewife.

I stay at home every day.

I have a lot of housework to do.

My husband is very busy every day.

My sun's Tommy.

He is the only son in my family.

He is very clever.

naughty 淘气的

But he is naughty too.

When my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor.

There were coins everywhere.

We looked for them, but we could not find them all.

While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, found two small coins on the floor.

He put them both into his mouth.

We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late.

He had already swallowed them.

Later that morning, when I was doing the housework, my husband phoned me from the office.

'How's Tommy?' he asked.

'I don't know,’ I answered, 'Tommy's been to the toilet three times this morning, but I haven't had any change yet!'




Lesson 117 Tommy's breakfast



When my husband was going into the dining room this morning,

he dropped some coins on the floor.

There were coins everywhere.

We looked for them, but we could not find them all.

While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, found two small coins on the floor.

He put them both into his mouse.

We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late.

Tommy had already swallowed them!

Later that morning, when I was doing the housework, my husband phoned me from the office.

"How's Tommy?" He asked.

"I don't know," I answered, "Tommy's been to the toilet three times this morning, but I haven't had any change yet!"


Lesson 119 A true story



story n. 故事

happen v. 发生

thief n. 贼

enter v. 进入

dark adj. 黑暗的

torch n. 手电筒

voice n. (说话的)声音

parrot n. 鹦鹉


in the dark

It's very dark.


[story 一般性的故事,可以真实的也可以是虚构的]

fable 寓言故事

legend 传奇故事

tale 神州故事

I want to tell you a true story?

Do you like stories?

story book 故事书

story teller 讲故事的人

make up 化妆,编造


a friend of mine

one of my friends

[happen 偶然的发生]

take place [发生,经过安排的]

It happens to sb.

It happened to sb.

It happened to a friend of mine last year.

Don't be angry, it happens every day.

Do you like stories?

I want to tell you a true story.

It happened to one of my friends last year.

The wedding took place yesterday.

It happens to somebody.

It happened to somebody.


in the dark 黑暗中,秘密的

torch song 忧郁的情歌


[voice 嗓音]

sound 声音

noise 噪音

the sound of music 音乐之声

throat 嗓子

Sb. has a good voice.

I had a good voice.



When did the story happen?

Who did the story happen to?

Who is George?

When the story happened, what was George doing?

Do you like stories?

I want to tell you a true story.

It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.

While my friend, George, was reading in bed, tow thieves climbed into his kitchen.

After they had entered the ho, use, they went into the dining room.

It was very dark, so they turned on a torch.

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them.

"What's up? What's up?" Someone called.

Two thieves went into the dining room after they had entered the house. It was very dark.

The thieves turned on the torch.

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them.

"What's up? What's up?" someone called.

The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.

George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.

He turned on the light, but he couldn't see anyone.

George saw the parrot.

What did the parrot say?

"What's up, George?" he called.

How did George answer?

"Nothing, Henry," George said and smiled. "Go back to sleep."

George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.

He turned on the light, but he couldn't see anyone.

But George's parrot, Henry, was still there.

"What's up, George?" he called.

"Nothing, Henry," George said and smiled. "Go back to sleep."



Do you like stories? I want to tell you a true story.

It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.

While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.

After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room.

It was very dark, so they turned on a torch.

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them.

"What's up? What's up?" someone called.

The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.

George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.

He turned on the light, but he couldn't see anyone.

The thieves had already gone.

But George's parrot, Henry, was still there.

"What's up, George?" He called.

"Nothing, Henry," George said and smiled. "Go back to sleep."


I will help you as possible as I can.

I will love you as much as I can.


Lesson 121 The man in a hat



customer n. 顾客

forget v. 忘记

manager n. 经理

serve v. 照应,服务,接待

counter n. 柜台

recognize v. 认出


forget -> forgot -> forgotten

on the counter


This is something (that) I must decide about.

This is something about which I must decide.


forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事

forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事

I have forgotten to bring my book.

I will never forget finding that rare coin in my garden.

take sth. with sb.

I bought a book yesterday.

But I forgot to take it with me.

expensive 昂贵的

dictionary 字典

half an hour ago

I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago. But I forgot to take them with me.

Who served you?

The lady served me.

The lady is standing behind the counter.

The lady (who is) standing behind the counter served me.

Which books did you buy?

I bought the books.

The books are on the counter.

I bought the books which are on the counter.

gentleman 绅士

Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago?

He is the man.

The man bought these books.

He is the man who bought these books.

He says he is the man who bought these books.

I can't remember.

I served the man.

The man who I served was wearing a hat.

This is the man.

You served the man.

This is the man who you served.

Is this the man who you served?



I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me.

Who served you, sir?

The lady who is standing behind the counter.

Which books did you buy?

The books which are on the counter.

Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago, Caroline?

He says he's the man who bought these books.

I can't remember.

The man who I served was wearing a hat.

Have you got a hat, sir?

Yes, I have.

Would you put it on, please?

All right.

Is this the man that you served, Caroline?

Yes. I recognize him now.



beautiful flower

a book on the desk

I saw the boy yesterday.

This is the boy.

This is the boy I saw yesterday.

I have a sister.

She lives in Paris.

I have a sister who lives in Paris.


1 连接主句和从句 2 在从句中做句子成分。



1 连接主句和从句

2 在从句中从句子成分,作主语时不能省略,作宾语时可以省略。



who, whom, whose, which, that



先行词是人 + who + 动词

The man is Mr.White.

The man has white hair.

The man who has white hair is Mr.White.



先行词是人,whose + 名词

I have a friend.

His father is a teacher.

I have a friend whose father is a teacher.



先行词是人,whom + 及物动词/不及物动词 + 介词


The man is my uncle.

We met the man.

The man we met is my uncle.

The man whom we met is my uncle.

The man who met us is my uncle.

The man is my uncle.

I spoke to the man.

The man whom I spoke to is my uncle.

The man to whom I spoke is my uncle.


I have a sister.

She lives in Paris.

I have a sister who lives in Paris.

The man who has white hair is Mr.White.

I have a friend whose father is a teacher.



I see you everyday.

I look at the blackboard everyday.

The man who we met is my uncle.

speak to sb.

I spoke to the man.

The man whom I spoke to is my uncle.

The man to whom I spoke is my uncle.


which 是指人以外的生命或没有生命的东西。

先行词(物) + which + 动词

He likes the house.

The house has a lot of windows.

He likes the house which has a lot of/many windows.

The books are on the desk.

The books are mine.

The books are on the counter.

The books which are on the counter are mine.


The dog is his.

, The dog is carrying a basket.

The dog which is carrying a basket is his.

The dog carrying a basket is his.

Those men are making all that noise.

Those men are repairing the road.

Those men who are repairing the road are making all that noise.

Those men repairing the road are making all that noise.


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